I was at the park one day, resting under a tree when suddenly, a falling leaf slowly, but surely landed right on top at where my heart was. And just so you know, the answer is an infallible, “No!”— my heart was not at the park, not even somewhere within the same vicinity where my body was, but all that I could remember was being caught inside a web of such a mysterious phenomenon. I called it mysterious, because I didn’t know then of how I was bound to tell the tale of its eventual story; for me to see how my heart went on a whole new big adventure of its own, conceivably, dwelling inside somewhere else’s story, and captivatedly indebted to someone else’s dream. Was it only just a dream or something else, like a private promise as to where newer dreams may come, hmmm! —that was the bigger question, which I also remember quite vividly, all because of someone else’s voice, who guided my ears to see, what was indistinguishable for me at the time. Oddly enough, I also remember closing my eyes, while thinking of opening my ears as wide as it was possible for me to reach any sort of sound, while overhearing my own thought, “What in the world is happening to me?” But instead of getting an answer that can pacify my present confusion, what I got was a silent whisper, as to which I might have literally considered them coming from a soft gushing breeze, ssswish!
the randomness of its entirety blew my mind onto a thousand more thoughts, and felt bewildered, I had no other choice but to open my eyes, once more—as fast as I could, but has done so, way too fast, that that experience has left me feeling empty, and lost, more so than my curiosity can keep them both at a comfortable distance. I woke up and found myself, not sitting at a park somewhere, but seated unexpectedly, at the middle of my own bed, at rest—inside my own room, with a pen sleeping inside the parenthesis, of my own two hands.
That was how I started to write my book, “The sum of a thousand dreams,” but that wasn’t how it all first came to fruition. And so, first thing first, before I can ever even begin to provide you with a personal kind of an expedition under the book cover— I, as the author, at the surface of it, would like to take you on a brief recreational trip down my memory lane—as for you to meet a few side stories to add onto the sum, and to what became the actual dream of it, and how that dream became the crossroad I took to reach the sum of a thousand dreams.
To speak about when the actual “light bulb moment” happened, I was being truthful when I said, I was sitting under a tree—on that same day, but I wasn’t at the park, nor was I, in my own bedroom—dreaming about dreaming it, but I was at someone else’s backyard, reading a book. The tree, in its true form,” was a fully grown apple tree, and it was standing at the middle of a beautiful garden, and it wasn’t an actual leaf which fell on me, but an imaginary apple challenging the “thinker in me,” to be more of an explorer. Oddly enough, like I said earlier, there’s a great chance, I may not even be the one who was asleep right under it, but for the most part, it was all me, meditating at what I was reading, and then, that was when gravity, naturally took over; I fell asleep, and that became the first step to my journey, heading through a thousand dreams.
The book that I was reading was, “The bible,” that explain why I was clasping a pen as fell asleep; I was praying. It was opened at a verse where the author wrote, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept” and that was when, ding—ding—ding—ding! The light bulb moment with lots of s’s at the end. I mean, the story didn’t just come from one single light bulb, kind of a thing, which just unexpectedly lit up in my head, but it was more like Christmas lights on a string, and not so much as though they all lit up together, all at once, but one light bulb sequentially lighting up after the other; it was progressively running with a definitive passion to meet a certain goal. A goal, that can perhaps be equated to the same light, but this time, found at the end of a tunnel, I call it a “born—again experience of sort.” You know what I am talking about right? —but instead of the standard one going horizontally, this tunnel was inverted to stand upside down, and I, was standing at the very tip of it. What I uncovered seeing—looking in, was me sowing the seed, as to what can become the future pages to my book. I have been chasing each light bulb from then on, and each one which I happen to catch along the way, left an impression, that starts with a rhetoric, that always ends with a question mark, “what if?” —and here was when I become so hungry for a resolution; my mind, ended up eating every single one.
What if, when Adam was led to fall asleep, couldn’t there be a great chance, Adam may have, perhaps, also been dreaming throughout his deep sleep of his? That was the first thought that came to mind, which turned somewhat conclusive, and hmm! That makes him the very first dreamer ever—ever, ever.
Since Adam was the very first man who has ever lived, created from the very likeness of the same awesome, “God” who created him, “The Creator” who was all together, omnipotent, and true, and truthful, meaning, time, and space, and whatever else we can put onto entirety of its continuance, will have no such relevancies where it comes to this case. Considering how Adam has not yet sinned, at this point, and so, his connection with the “Creator” who created him, applies to the paradigm where a verse in the New Testament of the Bible aforementioned, “As He is, so are we in this world”?
What if, since God created Adam from the likeness of His being and then if we were to take in consideration where “free—will,” fits onto the equation, which God also gifted him with—Adam, himself was a creation with a touch of a creator born within him, but I am not looking at it in the physical sense, but spiritually, where dreams can come and go, like the wind.
As the first dreamer with all the time to use in the not yet finished world, what if, he already saw everything? What if, he already had a preview of what life is to come, in its entirety, fast, present, and future, (with God being the Alpha and the Omega,) Adam could have tapped onto the same realm where he could have seen the coming attraction to the future movie, depicting all of our lives, or maybe even seen the full length of it, up to where the word “Armageddon,“ could be just a word to explain the moment when eventually awaken from his dreams. I mean, when the Bible wrote, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept,” I could not find any following statement anywhere, saying as to when Adam woke up, the verse only continued at how humanity was the born through him, the moment his womb gave birth to Eve. And as for him, to wake up from his dreams, became the seed to a dream coming life.
What if, we are all, only reliving the same life, which Adam lived in his dream, but only within a limited portion of its sum? I mean, it somehow explains why some dreams simply vanishes so easily as soon as we awake, what if, not all dreams are meant to be the same, and those dreams just happens to be the one’s which we can only borrow? What if, all our lives are only a retelling of the same love story about boy who dreamt about the girl of his dream, or vice versa? What if, what we call as our “history,” were only just the beginning of adding each of our live onto “His-story,” but this time I am not trying to refer to Adam, but at God, Himself, which John of the Bible also wrote, “God is love.” What if, everything about life has always been about one thing—It was all about love?
And so, here it goes—the beginning to the sowing; wrapped around my heart’s most ardent yearning, to be free. And there was only one problem, how can I possibly share what I can only imagine? Because you see, I could not imagine being a writer. At some point, I might have dared myself enough, but I was not what one may consider, a typical one, and me using the term typical, is all a jargon to mean absolutely nothing but an excuse. I admit it, I do not have the right desire for it, and I have no sort of a pedigree, to suggest that you could count on me. I have no experience to show for, no plausible working hobbits, and as far as the most basic natural knowhow to write even a paragraph; zero, nothing, zilch, but I do have a story to tell, which I felt, may have overpowered all my shortcomings. I guess you can say my dreams were only bigger than my voids. So, I wondered, what can be a more perfect place to sow any sort of a seed or write any kind of a story than at a page where there was absolutely nothing there to begin with. Where I could simply just let my faith do all the writing for me. Here is one of those “light bulb” moment: “What if, I could do just?”
Anyhow, I went ahead of writing this book, blind folded while seeking the light switch inside the darkness, and went on journey with my eyes closed, except with my eyes close, I could see nothing to write about, and so, all I could do was lean on my dreams, and discovered how my dreams do, in fact, have a mind of their own.
By this time, I could see so many light bulbs in my head that I simply had to pick one from of those, “What if’s?” like picking some fruit from an invisible tree, and to merely turned down its volume. Since I figured, if I can’t write that story, I may as well use each one of them as backgrounds to a more contemporary muse. What if, in my dreams, I am more than capable—in my dreams, I am a writer, and I can write this story? What if, as the dreamer of my dreams, I am the one in control? What if, I could then use “this” dream, or even borrow a little bit of “that,” dream, which belong to someone else, and since I am the one driving this “particular” journey, I think I may be allowed to borrow a few of those, right—just nod your head, I can’t see you, directly anyways? What if, I were to write my own story, inside someone else’s journey, someone else’s pain, and someone else’s drama, and write about the life which I could not quite live out, in my real one, or write about all the promises I could not keep, or use this chance to fix all the mistake I had that could made have my life a whole lot better? What if, I can finally meet the one person I have always dream to meet, and live the beautifulness of that life, even if it only in my dreams? What if, I can write about my weakness in life and turn them that into strength? The battle rages in my mind, and what if, I can win some of those, or even just one battle, the possibility becomes endless, and so I tried to add those possibilities, and ended up coming face—to—face with the sum of a thousand dreams.
Time—Out! Here is a short compulsory side note. Please keep in mind, I published this book in year 2014, while I became a born—again Christian; 2015. I just want to make sure there will be no misunderstanding where it comes to who I am, and current faith. Due to my choice of topic, where it comes to all the “What if’s” statements, please consider how, I wasn’t trying to add my own interpretation to what was the written in the Bible. During those times while I was writing this book, I was innately, lost from within the process of trying to explore the deeper meaning of the unknown universe to my own life, and as I overtly coined the phrase, “I was lost,” all that I could do at those time, or in space I was given, all I could do at the time was to lean on my personal understanding to things, and for a dreamer such as I was, and for such a thinker which my mind tends to overwhelm, I came into writing my book, unclothed like a baby, which can be likened to a book with yet a cover to name itself. I was merely trying to share with you the story of how the story of my book became what it is.