“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declared the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
Every time I happened to look at my life, through the windowpane of my own reflection, the bottom line has often seemed the same, suggesting, I won’t be able to like what I would be able to see before I even think to begin to look. Why? —because all my attention will already be all over the place, at the same time, only focusing on a specific line—drawn, and hellbent to look rather circularly, while I, being ensnared from within the stratosphere of it, can only measure the bottom end of myself. The funny thing about that though was, I can’t help but also wonder, without any help from any sort of a mirror, when have I ever, even seen my true reflection through the lens of my own eyes? That is one side of that story, and here lies the other. If I truly want to be honest with myself, the answer will always be— “never,” but then again, I do not think the word “never” is a real word, in the sense that how can it truly find its absolute finality with regards to the truth if life is still an ongoing progression. That is a thought—twister for the mind—hence, the battle rages.
I have come to picture life as merely the sum of all the unforeseeable series of events that just miraculously happens to exist from, one moment to the next. It has been preconditioned through its own specified law of gravity—and with it comes a natural order for any single, one thing to be pulled in, to what can be a relatable piece to a “feasible—puzzle,”—all hope would have depended upon, the first one which came before it, retrospectively, as for it to turn itself as an adjoining bridge to such an undiscoverable reality. It would be undiscoverable not necessarily because it cannot be discovered, but more like, the road that leads to it must first be uncovered or go through the process of being able to be reborn again into its original setting—as the “Light” stretching His arms to everlasting.
In the beginning, God said, “Let there be light” and the Light came.
In life, with regards to what popular culture was concerned—we have been polarized to think we only have our five senses to thank for when it comes to measuring everything, (our eyes for our seeing things, our ears for what we hear, mouth for tasting, nose for smelling, and our hands and feet and everything else for determining what we get to feel) and yet the same culture was also very keen to conclude, we only use about 10 percent of our brain? Okay so, I may have already considered myself to be at the very least end of the spectrum, when compared to the much sharper knives, sitting in the cupboard, (Did you see what I did there, I know I am not that smart, but I am not stupid enough to admit that I am not “one?” either, and besides, I am not about to bring a knife at a fistfight against all the lies of the devil, instead, I am unsheathing “The Sword of the Spirit” and rest upon Jesus—to do all the fighting, for me)
Anyways, that whole story about what we have when compared to the full capacity of which we haven’t even used does not seem to fit the same narrative. I can understand the extended functionality of the basic five, but what about the things we cannot control, like when we suddenly feel hungry, or those times when we needed to go to the restroom, you know to do the number 1 or the number 2—thingies, or what about when we fall in love, or when we dream—dreams, or when the pressure of our emotional adeptness, becomes almost multifactorial—these are just a few examples. As to which category can we put any of these things, let alone, all of them? For one thing, we can’t see most of them as to put them in the eyes category, nor can we smell them coming, and where it comes to taste, (Ayayay! Sorry, never mind that—erase—erase, got to erase that thought quickly, I had a bad thought thinking about, number 1 and 2) while the hearing part can be debatable, or relatable at a certain point, but I shall leave that to be open later, but then comes, our sense of touch which seemed the closest—only limited by its tangible properties.
I have always believed there are always two sides to every story, reminiscence to an old rhetorical argument that has been, pretty much tried to arouse our inner enthusiasm over what is the truth, asking—which one comes first, the chicken or the egg?
Although before we can ever begin differentiating between those two, I have come to an initial conclusion, (it will be a somewhat liberal kind of a journey) we must first, at least, must try to define what is a chicken, or what does it represents to us, and what is an egg, or what does any egg wants to denote into the story of our lives?
Let us then put the journey of our minds at the Garden of Eden, at the time just before the first man was about to lead us to the eventuality of us—falling short of the glory of God. Let us put all our attention to where all the trees were, and where they existed, (The “where” part, I thought was very important) which God said we may freely eat, (The “what” part though was just as important as to when it was, and how everything was made) except for one tree, (Now as to the “why” part, I have come to believe this to be the most important thing)—The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We can talk about that seed, that tree, and the unsurmountable amount of fruits, there are so many questions we can pick and choose from where we are now standing from there. For example, why did God have to put the tree of knowledge of good and evil there in the same garden, let alone put it at the center of it all, or when Eve then ate of the fruit, making Adam disobey God, was that also a part of a much bigger and greater planning? (I am not saying this as if insinuating how sin must have been part of God’s plan—that is not what I am saying nor what I truly believe, but I am just pointing out the balance and the effect that can be deducted through the use of our authority to “Freewill” with God giving us that gift was a big part of His plan, but how man ended up applying that same authority, in the wrong way—the majority of the burden has fallen upon man, (but contemplatively, we cannot deny how we got tempted by the enemy, which was his plan all along—as to steal our authority over the earth, and to kill everything else that connected us with God, and to destroy whatever hope, or faith, or love, that might have possibly survived through it) and yet, even after we sinned and turned into sinners, God still provided us with another way—as to put His divine plan back in order, inside a much greater relevance—Jesus must then come down to re—balance the effect, (Why?—because when God gifted man with the full authority over everything He created, what He truly gave us, was Himself as a gift, wrapped around His Word, and the fact that His Word was forever binding. When the enemy stole that very same authority from man, God could not directly interfere, and conjunctionally, that was the reason why our enemy became the ruler of this world. God cannot directly interfere because to interfere, would be as if He will be going back on His Word. Since it was a gift, that authority then belonged explicitly to man, and only man has the right to take that authority back from the enemy. Unfortunately—for us, none of us can implement a reliably projected victory to win such a fight. It was why the Word must be manifested onto the flesh, and why Jesus had to come down from “The Highest”, to become the embodiment of a man, just so He can be the man who now has the right to take on, what was supposed to be our responsibility—to take back what was originally ours. However, since He was also not just a man, but God as well, He has all the power, strength, and aptitude to finish the job, with which He so then said at the cross, “It is finished”
God has pretty much said during the process of His creation that everything He created was “good,” and so on. I have come to suppose, for us to understand what was “good” we would need a comparison to “highlight” what God has regarded as being good. To me, that means, we would need a special source, like a much greater “Light” for us to see that “higher” plane to our seeing it. Aside from our five senses, I believe God also gave us another, the Bible calls it “Faith”
Let me now then start with the egg analogy. Shall I consider calling this egg comparable to a dot—or as in, a singularity, (like a big—bang kind of a theory that can be explosively thought—provoking, and or otherwise, relatively tempting) or we can just look at it as a determining seed to the very heart of our Christianity.
These two different conceptions alone are already beyond ambivalent. Allow me then to fast forward this analogy to the very beginning, (—wait, when I said, “fast forward” shouldn’t I mean to say, go back from the very beginning, perhaps I should have—but in this case, not really, because from where I am currently standing, I already passed way too many steps over that line, and so, in crossing that road, I can only go forward from there, but of course, that does not automatically mean, I can’t go back by me going forward—because through my personal experience reading the Bible, there has been plenty of evidence where I learned to perceived things through an upside—down perspective) The reason Jesus had to come down was so He can lift us back up again, in the same way, the motif of why He had to die was because, that was what it would take for us to be truly alive again, and from within the rites to our own baptism to Christianity, we must first be buried through His death, because that was the only way we can ever be born again.
There are two sides to everything, but generally, we tend to put more of our intuitive weight on the negative side of things, (based predominantly on just our framing them through our own understanding) Anyways, just so—you know, I will be choosing to concentrate on the positive side, (I will be reaching upon God for guidance) at the egg as a seed—the seed which has already been sown, but where it comes to my part of the job—to sow that same seed from within the ground of my own mind, I am merely choosing to look at where my past was, and guide them to what can become my present, as to which I will now try to open them as a gift, and I will be trying to sow them, in about one second from now. Oops! I think you might have just missed it; the present has just literally become the past, again. Shall I open it again for you?
Thinking back, on what God had said, (through the first man, Adam) about freely eating whichever many fruits there were, and as to which trees they may all came from, and about us not eating from one specific tree, begs the question—God did not say anything to Adam nor to Eve, about not being free to eat from “The Tree of Life,” did He?—No He didn’t, while that “Tree” was also there in the garden, and based on the actual written context of the Bible, it was also standing at the center of everything, (“The Tree of Life” could have been standing right next to where “The Tree of knowledge of good and evil” was, or there could also be a great chance both trees are two halves of the same tree—outlined from within the concept of duality, as being 2 sides of the same 3, (tree) standing as 1—as the first being the representation of “death” as is—the very “dead” tree, as to which also points at the very cross of Jesus, and His cross being the external re—rendering of sin, as our sins dying in Him, and through Him, while Him overcoming such arbitrary chaos, the consequent effect of that revelation became the in—road we needed to get us to see, “The Tree of Life” as to be manifested onto our lives, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit) The cross where Jesus died in was one such trees, while the representation of a Christmas tree, as one Jesus represented to be born from, as a tree bearing an abundant of gifts, not to mention, the lights, and many other ornaments—sure does embodies the pure essence of the “Tree of Life”
We were told of how Adam and Eve got tempted in the garden of Eden, and so, I thought, “The tree of knowledge of good and evil” must have been much more pleasing to their eyes, at least, more than the others, (Just as Genesis 2:9 aforementioned—all trees were pleasing) “The tree of knowledge of good and evil” must have looked more scrumptiously delicious, and ambitious, as well as maliciously dangerous (I say that because I have come to learn of the identity of the enemy, who has done all the tempting over Adam and Eve, as he was then known to be the father of all lies, and a fervent deceiver, who before he fell and associated his allegiance to the darkness, he used to be a beautiful angel, in fact, his name also used to mean, “a light bearer” which he isn’t anymore)
Now to think of how “The Tree of Life” was also there as the pure expression of the “Truest—Light”, (John 1:19 + John 8:12) then how come they did not notice “The Tree of Life” being there, first, instead of the other. I believe here is where the two sides of the story, become very evident with regards to the truth, (where the truth cannot always be found inside the dramatical scopes of things, but is sometimes hidden behind a still, small, voice, or they may even be invisible to our human eyes) and maybe, they could not yet differentiate “The Tree of Life” as higher than all the rest of the trees, because, at the time, Adam or Eve has nothing to truly compare its magnificent to or from. I am sure we have all heard the saying, to truly embrace something good, one must first become aware of what is bad to compare what was seem good with bad, to appreciate the fullness of God’s definition of Good.
I guess, what I mean to say is, we can put all the blame on Adam, or Eve—concerning how we inherited our sinner’s nature, (it has its definable marital endowment) but then again, we must also keep in mind when Adam sinned, that was the very first time, a man in general, has ever made the mistake of ever disobeying God—it was graved and unforgivable but I don’t think Adam saw the true graveness of it at the time, (I am not trying to make any excuse for Adam’s sake but I am just saying, we too must have had our own experience, at some point, of having the chance to reminisce over the mistakes we may have had in our lives, to know, that making each of those mistakes was never our projected intention for that moment—as that being nothing more than we simply got ensnared by the circumstances) Unfortunately for Adam, the consequence of his first mistake was death.
Regarding the wages of sin as death to us, and if we were to only look at that through the dark—side of our human perceptions, it would be very simple for any of us to argue, as to why God authorized such grievous law, as being too unfair to the likes of us, because none of us has the sufficient capacity to pay, or fulfill it (The Ten Commandment)
However, was God truly unreasonable when it came down to picking the fruit of our salvation? Before any one of us should answer that, let us look at the other side of the same coin, as for us to coin the phrase, “God is good, and He is good all the time” —because even though we were the ones who disobeyed and sinned against God, what did God do in return?—He was also the One who willed Himself to pay the full amount of its wages, by sending His begotten Son, Jesus. Jesus then measured it down to the very cent it was due, but that wasn’t all which He provided for us at the cross, He also added some changes in the running credit to our lives—which practically has no end.
Now, let us consider the first time the notion of “The End,” was ever preached, or first introduced to the world. It was at a time when the Bible described, how our “Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” Genesis 6:11-15
One side of that story has been said to be about how the earth had become completely evil and corrupt, and as punishment, God sent the great flood, not necessarily as a means to its very end, but to replenish. For the purest Spirit of God still reigned, and remained over everything, just as 1 Corinthians 13:8 declared it to be so, “perfect Love never ends”
At the other end of that story—the story continues, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love” 1 Corinthians 13:13 was more of a foretelling of a much broader, bigger, and greater story. and it was all about some certain seed that God also preserved inside a most notable boat, anyone has ever heard, of or known. I point your attention at the boat which Noah built.
To look at that boat through the eyes of our faith, the very dimension and infrastructure of such an Ark, mirrored another—“The Ark of the Covenant,” Even at the very end when the earth was completely corrupt and mankind was continually evil, God still did not break His Word, making His Covenant with us as the most incredible work of art, as symbolically attached to all the colors of the rainbow, (bounded to a promise of the coming of our savior, the Messiah, which was Jesus, who was also more than willing to sacrifice Himself to redeem us.)
Can you imagine how much devastation the Ark endured, and how great it was pounded on, and harshly beaten down, not to mention, mistreated unfairly by the rain, by the waves, and by the sea—for us to see, the unilateral personification of our own sacramental walk to a baptism. The great flood was initially supposed to be the death to the world, and us humans, and every living thing, but God as a Sower, was much greater than the flood, much bigger than the earth’s corruption, much more powerful, and stronger, and more vast than the ocean—full of evil, can ever do to man, that He provided us with seeds to turn it all around, as for us to rise from death to a new beginning.
Even at the very edge of the end of everything, we—as Christians, must look beyond what our eyes can see, to get to when we can hear God’s Word, how we can see Jesus’s stretched—out arms, reaching for ours, and where the Holy Spirit will be guiding us from. We must learn to affiliate what was to be our salvation, through the very blood which fell upon Jesus Christ, as being the very thing that would make us acceptable to stand righteous before God. The very thought of that led me to think about the Red Sea, and where Moses was about to lead God’s chosen people to cross over to the other side of it.
The same story that I saw being written in the story of Noah, I also saw, and sowed it as a seed, to what was happening inside the story of Moses—which also was a befitting element to the story of our individual summary to each of our personal baptism, which was born through the foundational story of Jesus. When Jesus stretched out His arm at the cross, I saw the same thing happening inside the story of the Red Sea, as the sea opened the horizon, to lead the way to a certain baptism of a sort to God’s children.
In hindsight, baptism can be very symbolically simple to comprehend, (if you believe Jesus truly died for you, and the water to your baptism represents His death and coming from out of that water, speaks of Jesus rising from death, also speaks about us crossing the same road, which He Himself paved for us to rise above it) or it can also be enigmatic as well, having so many other chapters to consider factors, and that is just to get to its introduction.
Let us now identify ourselves from within the causality of the chicken. With regards to us, as was born a sinner as such, we cannot ignore the subtleness of its part, how there exists a part of the nature of a chicken, which also lives in each of us, (we can call it the woeful dimension of our old heart)
I most certainly hope, you did not take what I have just said as an insult of a kind, for I know very well how being called a chicken can be taken, super sensitively. I am only trying to associate us as can be somewhat immature creatures, at times, who have been given a great gift, once opened, would allow us to have full authority over a free—will enterprise, and to compare that to a chicken, born with wings, but has never truly understood the true functionality of it—as with a footbridge link to freedom, was quite very unfortunate. Although an adult male chicken—called a rooster, which through a first name—base, can be associated with being a ruse, can avoid being captured, and so at least, there’s enough room for some sort of substance for hope.
Chickens were known to have four chambers for a heart, that was, in no way trying to suggest whether the chicken has more room to love more than us, but there is one thing that I know for a fact, everyone loves chicken, especially when it comes to eating time, (Okay, that last one was actually—partly a joke, sorry, I could not resist)
Chicken has been said to have a small brain, some of us have no problem confessing to having a short fuse, or small aptitude for patience, or about having a limited understanding. I am just saying, having something small doesn’t always mean, you can use that as an excuse to say that “you can’t” just look at the ants, or spiders building their intricate web—in that, all that we will ever need is a much wider range to our Wi—Fi connection, (like Jesus stretched—out arms)
Chickens do not have teeth to chew what they get to eat, in the right way, instead, they have beaks, that are rather weak, and bleak, and so, when it comes down to reason, as to where the saying goes, “We are, or we become what we eat,” the chicken remains as voiceless as a mime, as to live as an imitator—only.
As in the social structure of things, chickens are incapable of adapting to meet certain circumstances. They have their own “pecking order,” or as to compare that to our structural government, I tend to picture them more likely, left—winged, while in a world where dogs eat dogs, chicken bullies the more chicken of the bunch compared from just the regular, normal chicken, which I find to be very ironic. And just like humans are, we too tend to be more judgmental in our “picking order”.
One good thing though about chickens, or about the hens, in particular, is they do not necessarily need help from a rooster to produce an egg, (contrary to what the Bible has said in a mutual logic when compared to the story of man, “It is not good for man to be alone” which was complimentary to faith as not being able to walk alone was designed to fit where “faith without work is dead”) chicken sure works very proficient at multiplying their dividends—as quickly as possible. And so, as we get to think about eggs or about the chickens, and the seeds or about the Sower of those seeds, or about trees and their eventual fruits, or roots, and truths, which only suites one specific route—it boils down to faith, as always will be about which substance, to fill which hope for us to be able to see, the evidence from all the things that still have remained unseen.
Now with regards to breaking the shell, to get at the meat, isn’t, right now, a perfect time to ask, the chicken that lives in us, the question?—“Why did that other chicken cross the road?” as to let that fall directly proportioned, making that question more relative, “Why did that someone other, had to go through a baptism?” or “Why do I need to be born again?” or to go as far as asking the most basic principle of it, “Why do I need Jesus?” —Because Jesus is “The Way,” and because the answer to the question about why the chicken must cross the road was the same reason why other Christians had to be born again—so that they can get to the other side. But what is on the other side of that road—I found to be where my real state of self—lives, and that is where Jesus lives, and the state where Jesus lives was where the pure essence of love—lives, (Love was said to be where the heart was, and as for us to become a Christian—means, the Holy Spirit now also must dwell in us, more specifically inside our new hearts—Ezekiel 36:26) and inside what we thought as to be an undiscoverable state or country, the truth has revealed it openly, as to where and how and why, love exists, and Love exists to, “cast away all fears,” just as the “Light” empowers the darkness. Now without fear, that should give us our wings back, the ones as to which we already, always had to begin with—we just never saw it, to use it to fly before, but now we can—fly, and fly to be free— “The truth shall set you free” John 8:32
As free Christians, no one can ever deem it right, to call us chickens anymore, but as, “more than conquerors through Him who loves us” (All that we can do is to rest all our hopes upon what happened at Calvary, to then rephrase the terminology “Jesus as the way” in terms of how, we can finally learn to understand the road that is in our crossroad—Jesus have always been, and still is, and forever will be, the only way)
Let us think of it this way—If there was an actual race inside the term—the human race, 1 Corinthians 15:57 has this to say as reflective to it, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” And what that means is—has turned around to then point onto us having the courage, and the will, and the right determination to cross the road of our crossroads, has already assured us of our ultimate victory, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” To put that in the most basic term, if you believe in Jesus, God already got you covered, Psalm 91:4.
With regards to the question as to which came first the chicken or the egg—all I can say now is, according to the Bible, when God created the first man—man was already essentially fully grown, but then again, we must also consider how God also created man as a seed. And so, I have then concluded as my personal take, if whether it was the chicken that came first or was it the egg, seemed all too clear to me, today, that it was both, the chicken, and the egg, crossing the finish line, at the same time. Does it really matter all that much to get to the bottom of which one came first, than just to put our attention as to how both have evolved onto something else—someone else that is much greater than they started from, while both can win the same race, and as to be able to rise beyond their initial form?
With regards to how everyone has each or their own probable preferences upon cooking the same egg, I cannot emphasize this enough, I may have a somewhat very visually overzealous kind of mind, and for me to consider leading someone else to see through my perspective, would be as if, me putting a tape, into a BETAMAX machine —Yeah! Okay I get it, that sure sounds incredibly old—or old fashioned, but otherwise, I do not know how else to say it—that even though I have always had my head over the clouds, I still do not know how the share any of those images from out of my cloud storage. Me thinking about things seemed like watching a movie. For example, whenever I think about answering what I imagined—how God has been calling for me, I had to reach back at my past, as my past was convoluted by movies, and movie—frames, (meaning, as I thought at the time as I dared called myself an avid dreamer, and a big part of what encourage my dreams were movies, and so I ended up living my life as one that only borrowed)
Anyways, as I think about anything, those frames of my past would start popping up, all over. For instance—a particular scene would be about a sword called Excalibur, one that has been imprisoned deep from within a solid rock, with a caption saying, whoever can lift this sword from out this stone will be king, (To me, that sounded a lot like how I can use my faith onto moving each of my particular mountains, as a perfect reference to it with a slight difference, instead of me, or instead of my hands, doing all the lifting of that sword from out of that rock, I also can see the reversal of fortune—or misfortune, as I was the ones who has done the piercing of that sword, which from my side, looked more like nails, which also meant, I was also the one who imprisoned myself by clinging to my own sin, (that is one side of the story, then the other, instead of me lifting the same sword, It was Jesus who sowed that seed in my new heart) again here comes that other side of the story, that speaks about a certain Kinsman redeemer’s hands, or as I otherwise saw Him as my King—as—man, with His hand redeeming mine. Whereas the dramatic action will explicitly be calling for the chosen One, to declare me righteous, to reap the reward thereby— (1 John 4:17) And so, whether the main point, will be either pointing at the lifting process of it or just pinpointing the manner of how I have adapted my mind onto the flow, where all glory must then eventually all rest upon God’s very Hands.
As the story continues, a mere mortal man will end up being deemed eligible—to be redeemed (as a new creation) and destined to be the king of Camelot, just as there will be Christians who will “come—a—lot,” more. (Doesn’t that sound a lot like the promise of the kingdom of Heaven, and for us to be like the direct reflection of the real King—King Jesus-saying, “As I am the King of the Heavens and the Earth, and every other plane of reality imaginable, as well as the unimaginable, so will you be, just like me, a king in this world, through my righteousness you too will have the same authority) I believe that scene in that movie, was the plotline of the inevitability.
A King has always been living, deep from within the inside of all of us too; we only needed to rise from within the lifting the sword of resurrection, (Again, it works in reverse, instead of us lifting the sword from out of the stone, it with be the sword which is “The Word of God” as being the one we need to ingrain inside our own hearts for us to be a king, who was created to be the likeness of the One—our only true King.)
That was inevitable. I don’t know how I know that for sure, I just know, I just do not know how to explain in worldly—wordy expression, honestly. Call it a gut feeling; I just needed to uncover what I have always known to be under the cover. I suppose I can say that my motivation has always been about love, I just didn’t truly understand what love has indeed extended my heart with. Only to find in my study that God was love and that Love Himself became the whole point to everything, and the point was, it was never about the question of love but how love has always been the answer. Love as it turned out to be both the chicken and the egg and yet more, not only was love the seed and the fruits of it, but love was also the Sower of all life. Love will always be attracted to its own kind; light begets light, and the Spirit will beget spirit. God is Spirit. God created us with a body, soul, and spirit, and so the most logical motivational factor would be the spirit part of us.
And so, to ask, what has attracted me to be a Christian, I believe, was the spirit of the very Christianity that has always meant to be in me. The motivation factor to be a Christian, in general, is to be like Christ, and to wear the name of the one who provided us with His own name from the very beginning, the great “IAM,” and to be included inside the family of our One true God, our name must be listed inside the “Book of Life,” and we who by default was once has fallen, it is His grace, and mercy which can adopt us back onto the list, by us welcoming the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.
However, just like how every story has its two different sides, those two sides can also reflect a two-edged sword. As Christians, we attract love the moment love gets in us. We also draw the enemy's attention, who would like nothing more than to prevent us from reaching our full potential to know our absolute identity. I have come to believe; everything revolves around love. God is love; love created us because of His great love for us. God also created the angels to help Him serve us. (Wait, here is the question none of us cannot ignore, not ask, if God is God, and God being Omni-everything, means He doesn’t really need anything or anyone’s help. And yet the paradox of inevitability is also the reflection of the casting—iron that binds the same paradox. God as love, will always be a two—way street, and it is not a matter of whether God needs anyone, but I can only sum it up to my new understanding, which reveals God wanted it that way.
He wanted us because He loves us. He loves the relationship of it. Love is a choice, and as Love, Himself is Himself as the choice. He loves us because He is love. (I am not suggesting how choosing to be a Christian attracts the enemy’s attention to attack us.
In contrast, from our thinking, it may be safer not to seek God. The whole reason why the devil attacks us, in the first place, was because the devil does not want us to be free, because by definition, because of our sin, we were already dead that were merely walking to only seem like alive, and the devil wants to keep us dead, sleepwalking through life. However, if we were to truly seek God, and then found Him—And has accepted Him, to be able to develop that into an entire, more personal relationship, the walk of that faith, would also allow us to be born again, and to also become alive again, and by then, no devil’s attack can no longer destroy us.
The devil does not want us to live. So as for us, not seeking God, will be like us helping our enemy to deem the battle of our minds as already a lost cause, so there is no need for the devil to attack us since we are already dead, anyways, and that is the whole point. We need God, even if that means we must cross a dangerous road to get to the other side—wherein the other side has a sign saying, “Salvation Road”)
Now, what is the deal with the devil’s attraction to steal, kill, and destroy us? Gods created us. God also created the angels but for a different reason, and the reason being, they were created to help us, or to put that in another term, to serve us. And as it just happened an angel named lucifer was one of those angels who did not like that idea one bit, and so, wanted to take a bite at the Hand who created him, but he can’t. The best alternative would be to take a bite at a man who God loves most in all creation. More specifically, as a deceiver, he used man’s gift “Free will” to turn man to be the one doing all the biting upon God. The serpent led man to take a bite at the apple, and that supposedly “a—pple” was what then became our fall. The Bible did mention something about how pride was the cause of the original sin.
God is Spirit, and God created all angels as spiritual beings, but then comes the creation of us, and God as a Triune being, meaning, as Him as being a multi-dimensional in characters, created us in His likeness, as multi—dimensionally and separated us apart from all the other designs. Case in point, out of everything God created in the creation of everything, and while putting a special emphasis on which from all of them, God deemed as “Good” but when He created man—He was more than pleased to have coined the same phrase, except uttered it through different terms, calling the creation of us, as “very good” with double emphasis on How much He loved us, first.
I have come to believe God loved us more from all that He created. Was that me, as being overly pumped up, or being conceited, maybe even arrogant, and proudful? Perhaps, that could be taken as one side of that story, but as for the other side, you must first eventually have to cross that crossroad, yourself, to know, how that was never my intention at all. Other than, how the road with regards to reading the account of Genesis through faith, the inevitable just simply became very apparent, God put us at the very center of His universe, and the whole point was never about being proud about that whole thing, but about us learning to be humble enough to see how we should return the favor.
God loved us first, and then created the heavens and the earth, and the universe, and then created us last, and said in many different ways, and beautiful shapes, and under many poetic forms, inside a still, small, voice, “Everything the Light touches can be yours” while our hearts then echoes the same sentiment, following His way—saying “all you need to know is to know Jesus,” while Jesus came to us, saying, in a loud and audible voice this time, “I am the Light of the world,” and I am stretching my arms to show you just how much, and how far My love for you goes, and if you are good at listening, you should also already heard Him saying, “I came to give you an everlasting life”
If you were to truly and honestly look at everything that was ever created in creation, and listened to what the Bible had said about—not one thing that was created, was created without Jesus being at the very heart of everything—making all the constellations, and all the numerous stars in the heavens, as well as all the firmament, and beautiful ornaments revolving around the Son, while the Son open His arms to include us to stand at the very center of His devotion (Remember how “The Tree of Life” stood at the middle, in the Garden of Eden, and now remind yourself, by asking your inner reflection, “Who it is who now dwells in you, making your heart, the mansion Jesus once promised He was going to prepare as our new “Home” through Him and that to me, looks a lot like Genesis all over again. Except for this time sin will be no longer part of the equation) While you are at it, also remember how God has given unto us the full literal authority over everything He created through Jesus Christ.
I believe Lucifer did not exactly take that very well, and I think he was mad at God, but since he also very well knew how he was no match to fight with Him, and so went to the next alternative, attacked us whom God loved the most. I have come to uncover how that thing that drove our inner yearnings about seeking the question “Who am I”, now think it was rooted in two separate folds, 1.) Because we must seek the truth and the truth must be revealed naturally for us to see how we could truly be free—that is who I am, and is where the great “IAM” lives. 2.) Because of the devil's lie, and used the tree of good and evil, to question us as if we were the ones questioning ourselves, not knowing whenever we ask, “Who Am I?” we are using it as question how to question our confusion on the matter, just so our enemy can keep us in bondage through our own devices.
Lucifer became the devil because he rebelled against God, and due to his disobedience, he tempted man to do and to pull us into being the same boat—the pirate boat of the rebellious, who steals treasures and bury them, and we were buried under the Law, (when we went against what God asked us not to do, which was only one thing, the commandment of not eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil.) The Bible said the woman got tempted, but the man wasn’t, Adam disobeyed God, and sin became our downfall.
Regarding the talk about why God must allow suffering in the world, it was not God who allowed entrance to them; our sin did all that. The curse in the world is a big part of the symptom of what has been corrupting us still today because we have an enemy who has been spreading the same lie, that there is but one story and we are not a part of it. And contrary to the general opinion, God did not create the devil. Technically we were the ones who turned an angel to become the devil. Again, it comes down to the chicken and egg analogy. Did the devil turn us into sinners first, or were we the reason why an angel became the devil? that seemed like a long conversation, to continue inside a book next time around?
Reminder: Please be advised that I believe our source's guide will always only be Our Father-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible alone. Whatever I may have said here must be placed under a personal investigation through your own private conversation with God (The Bible). My faith is still a seed, while I am still just a student who is trying to study and learn from the “Word,” the best I can, and I am only sharing what I have uncovered to find so far. The journey is a continuous conversation inside a personal relationship, and my objective is not to change your thinking in any matter, shape, or form, but only to maybe inspire you to rethink things. Traveling on the road of “Free—Will” the choice for that crossroad therein will always be yours to choose alone, with one exception, of course, you will never be alone. (FAITH: F=Find A=An I=In—road T=Through H=Him)
PS: If you find anything to correct, or have a question, please feel free to leave it, whether it be a short comment, or a simple “Hello fellow faith seeker” would be a great boost of inspiration to my Bible Study—I rather welcome them even more, because that is one of the fastest ways to grow, and only if you agree with the message which I have been trying to pay—forwards, please do not hesitate to share this journey with other journeymen and women. After all—Faith never walks alone—Faith moves through the Love of God.
A postscript to the PS: I would like to personally thank each of you for giving my voice, (its opportunity to deliver God’s messages,) and its fair chance to be heard. To be quite honest with you, it can be very disheartening to any messenger, not to be good at—being able to reach, his intended recipient, and there are times when, I look at the numbers, as in how few readers I have reached, (averaging only around 20 people per post, while the most I have ever had was just around 30 something)—my lack of audience often makes me think, how each result might be the clue for me to stop.
Then I thought about what has always been behind the real purpose, and about my own personal reasoning as to why I am doing this, in the first place—when I never even like the idea of putting any attention to myself. It has always been about the message, and if there is someone out there who might need to hear such a message, even if it meant, I would only have, but just one audience, if there is a chance that person is the one that needs it—it will all be worth the time.
I have come to look at it as in when Abraham had a visit from, whom the Bible declared as “The Angel of the Lord” which I believe to be also Jesus, before He manifested onto the flesh, (He was “The” angel, in the same way, the Bible also named him as “The” Church, and “The” good Shepherd and so on) It was at the time of emphasis when the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah happened. Abraham pleaded with the Lord not to destroy those cities, “So the Lord said, “If I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city, then I will spare all the space for their sake,” then Abraham asked, “Suppose there were 5 less than 50; would You destroy all of the city for lack of 5?” and the Lord listened and said—He won’t. Abraham then continued to bargain with the Lord, from 40 to 30, down to 20, all the way to 10, and God said the same, “I will not destroy it for the sake of 10”
It made me then wonder if only, Abraham didn’t stop at 10 but asked if, there was just 1 righteous person that existed there, which there was, Lot was there, could the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as the other cities not mention, have been diverted? That conversation would be highly controversial, and debatable. On one side, there was that story about Noah and His Ark and about the times when the Bible said, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” Genesis 6:5 and the same reflection dictated the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah, which to me it meant, that stopping at 10 people was somehow, could also be—what was meant to be, and yet, I also do believe if Abraham could have stopped at 1 person, I already know, for a fact, God would have been more than willing to save everyone. How so, well—there’s John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” and to add that to what Luke 5:32 has to say, when Jesus said, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance,” and who can we consider righteous among us—no one—not even one of us was worthy enough; for we all have fallen short of the glory of God, which means we were all sinners, and all being sinners, Jesus came down to save all of us—it was just that—not all of us were prone to hear His call, some may have known about the call but cannot hear His voice, and a great majority has been asleep and are impervious, while many dared to choose not to even listen.
The point to which I concluded, got me to think that no matter how few my readers, or have been—what was meant to be—will be, (I have no control over it) but I do have control over how, I will be more than willing to keep going—knowing—there might be that 1 person, who for some odd reason, or another, could be waiting for God’s personal message, and might find the answer, from within my writings. At least—that is the hope I’m embracing—sowing my faith to know, and as to where to go and what to say, I just love the way that seed grows— neverendingly