No one is born—already a Christian by Wilbert Dela Cruz
If one was to truly considers oneself a Christian, there is this image of “The Truth” that I have come to believe will forever be predominant, standing on that specific crossroad—I see a seed that looks a lot like wisdom—saying to those with their heart’s—open “Not one of us can ever cross that road all by ourselves, himself, or herself.” What I mean to say is, I can almost see myself asking my inner mind the question, how can one ever say such “authenticity”—for sure? Well, if I—for one, was to ever choose to go on that very journey, (Which I have) and lean that very same question at the upper podium of my own understanding—alone; it will be almost impossible to truly know for “sure”— for me to give someone else an honest account, of the reality, that has been laid down under my feet. Why—because I consider that burden to be way too heavy for just one person to answer alone, and if I ever feel to think that I could, I would only be raising the height of my fall, way too high to think that everything else is now beneath me, just as my carnal mind, often, has been more inclined not to walk the narrower road, but instead—tempted to take the easier one—the wider—the commercialized one—the road that seems more on the pleasurable—side of the spectrum, as if he, (or the version of me) is still a kid—with a sweet tooth—standing at a candy store, seeking for an approval to dig in— (And if I were to go on imagining my mind as a literal person, I could almost see him standing at the uninhabited half side of a road, with his left arm all stretched out—his thumb elevated, pointing to go the other way—carousing to lead his own way) essentially speaking, I see him trying to hitch a ride inside someone else’s rollercoaster kind of a deviation.
The carnal mind, as he seemed to me, has a habit of getting itself entangled, inside the web of its own deceptions—sometimes, out of desperations—but invariably, emotionally invested—dejectedly, on a fearful side—kind of a stance, consumed by an inexplicable shameful sentiment, arouse by guilts, while also extremely obsessed—by self—importance, challenging all those same shameful thoughts and guilts.
Am I over exaggerating this sentiment way too big, perhaps—I can admit that much, but here is where everything then turns—into a cycle—that all that any of our minds can do is to reanimate the same moment, over and over, falling onto the same trappings from one generation to the next, and moving about inside our own self—re—modified constellation, just as if our carnal mind had just literally invented the first wheel—in exchange though, our mind also becomes so driven—habitually reinvents the autonomy of our “Free—Will”
In thinking that I may have already known—it—all, somehow, at some point, I may have also allowed my mind to unknowingly held myself accountable to live inside a circular prison that I invented for myself—which I, nor none of us can ever possibly get out from—alone. Because if that was the case, (the case as in the box in which we put ourselves) we will only be fighting against ourselves. Fighting any battle alone, already leave us very vulnerable to lose even before any fight can ever even begin, but to include us—as the enemy—is counterproductive—that can only lead us traveling—one way—at a “Dead—End.”
The journey of the mind is a prevalent thing, and the transit therein—will always be synonymous with our own personal disorders inside our proverbial space, and as for the battle within each path we take—all the bumps on those roads, will be a consistent matter—up to a point. What is that point—the point is, it is up to us to find that out for ourselves, and we can only see what that point is, at the very moment of judgment—a choice must be made—for us to cross that very point—ourselves? There is a line that must be crossed, at the crossroad—that was pretty much a given fact. I am choosing to cross it through a simple act—imagine a journey of a thousand miles that can be won, at the very seed of sowing the first step of it. That was a very stimulating starting point to my awakening—knowing it will be a process—and that everything has a law—that even the benefit of accepting God’s grace has its own law; I believe it is called—Love. There is no going around it; we got to love “The Way, the Truth, and the Life”
But first thing first, there has to be an awakening which must come to pass—for the past to become the present, and that, my friend, is the gift of His grace—for us to think outside the box, “To walk in faith, and not by sight”—we were never alone—just as when the very idea of our humanity was first conceived, in Adam, (The first man) while he was led onto a deep sleep, he too literally underwent his own kind of awakening—for him to then be able to meet, the love of his life—in Eve—he too was never meant to walk in the garden of his own seed, alone—and I am not talking about Eve here, but pointing my finger at the very presence of the Lord. For the Lord God said in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
Okay so, what is the whole point of all these seemingly random thoughts, or detours, and quarries, when instead I could have just as easily gone straight to the point of answering why I believe—no one is born already a Christian? All I can say for now is, who am I to answer such a thing? As far as what I have always used to believe—I was a “nobody”, I was a no—one “in particular,”—born as a sinner just like everyone else, subjected to sin, and who once—did not know anything or have done nothing which suggests any sort of a greater value to compare to where the truth stands—and the truth was, I never had any sort of a capacity to change that burden of my existence—I was like an empty glass with no definable substance to show for it, not until I met someone who has continually fueled me, with overly abundant substances, and I could not just stand by, and not share those blessings that I have seen, and heard. And so, I have come to believe, before anyone, or before I, can even presume to think of sowing a seed to someone else’s garden, I had to first deal with the plowing or securing the flowing of the water in my own yard.
As for me to know for sure, what kind of a seed has been sown in me, I must first accept, embrace, and intimately find out for myself, who in fact, now—dwells in me, and to do that, I must do some plowing of my own ground, pulling every wildflower—hindering the trajectory of my own growth. With that said, I can only do what I can control, while the rest, I rest all that upon someone else’s cross to shoulder for me. “So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants, and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.” 1 Cor. 3:7-8 What I am saying is—I do not have an answer, nor do I know how to answer it, but I do know “the One” who can, and I am merely trying to deliver those messages forward.
I would rather like to believe, no one truly walks alone, even when most of us do think we are alone, (You can add my name amongst all those people who had thought it—in the same way, but when I found myself standing at the crossroad in calvary, changed my whole perception) whether it be, if we are already walking inside the existences where God’s light abounds, or even in the absence of it completely— (sadly, that even in darkness) no one ever walks alone. It becomes a matter of who we are choosing to walk with us—whether it be—God, or if we are allowing ourselves to be taken captive by the enemy’s deceitful plotting. It was either we have chosen to open our heart’s—ear to hear what the voice of the Truth is welcoming us to see, or we are welcoming the lies of the enemy—as to allow ourselves to be detracted from the train of thoughts of our faith. I have personally chosen to embrace the seed of truth, and to hear my faith—tell me, where there is a will, freedom can only be found in one way—Grace.
I wish I could say that has also come to terms with the aligning of that same analogy to my own walk in life. I mean, technically speaking, I might have lived a losing battle for a long time, as the war still constantly raging inside my mind. The only difference between then and now is—in my heart, I already believe that I have found the Holy Grail—it has just become a matter of getting my mind to fully correspond with what my heart has been declaring to be the truth. That can be a big dilemma, right—I know it, but I take great comfort in knowing that I already got one answer which I have considered to be foundational—the seed has already been sown in me, and in the long run, the first step is—what I can now count on, the most.
We each have our own paths, that are equally the same in how distinctively apart each one is from one another. In the same way as how, we can look at where the crossroad of all our lives can stand, and standing there—there will seemingly be many different roads, by the thousands, even upon millions—unaccountably, but in the midst of all of them, we can never ignore one fact, there will always be just, one—“true” crossroad, (and you’ll know it when you are there by the sound of the beating of your own heart) and by meditating on what “The Word of God”—you will surely find yourself standing at which cross I am refereeing you to stand under—letting your heart do the thumping of your own feet.
There will surely come a point in time when each one of us must recognize how true this specific crossroad—as to accept it, completely—to embrace it, all heartedly—and while we stand at the very center of it—that would be the moment of truth—to see—one road—paved a lot like, a new road, and seemingly—no other has ever even traveled before. I believe that could only mean one thing, and I believe it will be—the heart—who will be speaking for all of us, in this case, pointing as to how this road or that road, has always been only meant for just one person to travel—inevitably—for “your—I’s” only to see through faith. With that being said, we must not take for granted how God also gave us two eyes to see with—In the flesh—we literally have two eyes, the left, and the right, but which of the two is the right one, that is the question. Spiritually—we also have our faith to see more than what our eyes can see, and I believe this is the right “I”, (The “IAM” in I am—1 John 4:17). Figuratively—we need two “I’s” to visually see the image of the cross, think about the crossroad. All the while, the very first lesson that I learned about faith was, faith never ever walked alone—if it did—I might not have the right faith.
Here is a great question that I had to ask, how sure can any of us be if we are truly walking in faith? There is a key verse in the Bible that said, (Hmm! Well actually, you can take what I am about to say with your own grain of salt—chasing your own taste on the matter—for I have also now come to believe every verse—as in the entirety of what characterizes the Holy Bible—or the Word of God as in the whole, each has a keyhole with its own specific key—for us opening every door—Every verse of the Bible is a key; for in the equation of getting from “A” to “B”, our main objective is to get to “C”— can you see it, if not?) “Reach your finger here and look at My hands; and reach your hand here and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing—because you have seen Me, you believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:27,29) Jesus stretched out the same arms, (with keyholes in both hands) at the cross, and I have come to believe this to be the main key to every key—He opened “The Door” Himself.
Faith = the key—to be put into the keyhole. According to Matthew 17:20, faith = a seed. Now, let me ask you this, can any of us deny having a hole in all our hearts? I suppose I can only answer for myself—I’ve always felt this hole, I was born with it, and throughout my personal experiences, there has been nothing that I can ever do to get rid of it. I know because I have tried, and tried, and tried again, and again, and failed every single time, to only send me crying like a child who has been buried under that same hole. I cried for being alone. I cried for being lost, I cried for surrendering to it, and I have cried thinking about the deeper meaning of dying because of it. Then I looked at the cross at my crossroad through the outside “tell-a-scope” of my own understanding, and do you know what “The voice of truth” told me? I mean—out on the surface—before I ever started digging that ground of it, I have always had a “light—bulb—moment” where I could almost see an entirely much bigger universe that exist inside that tiny grain of seed, and it took sowing that faith for me to capture what has always been way too far out of my reach, but it is now a just mere matter of choice to embrace— (That instead of us only hope that one day—there could be a day when we could be where heaven is, but then it was heaven who came down to earth, re-creating a completely new cosmos to fit inside our own hearts) that sort of blew my mind onto thousand little pieces, like firecrackers in the sky that are now dancing at the very tip of my tongue, yearning to be heard.
There you have it—where it comes to the battle of the mind, I had felt this sudden renewing of the guard, and me wearing a totally newer armor, with a sword at hand as my key, (the sword being—The Word of God)
And so, there I was—looking at the cross with “magnifying—glasses” for eyes, which allowed me to see two pieces of wood, carved and cut out from a dead tree, and I don’t know what exactly—why, or how, but by thinking about that—has led my inner mind to think further down as when the Bible said “In the beginning”— when God had said to Adam, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Genesis 2:16,17
Now, I am not about to presume to know anything more about what truly happened afterward, I can only list out what I have seen while reading the pages. The first ever man in Adam—disobeyed God’s ordinance with regards to the precept of not eating the fruit of that tree. Man as in the physical sense, continued living, but then again, ever since then sin became our identifiable prison, with an open—ended verdict; the wage of sin is death—in retrospect to that, comes the reality of how we all then born as sinners as such.
“For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience, many will be made righteous” Romans 5:19 I have then concluded—that the dead tree where Jesus died, was the dead tree that has been fraudulently existing in us, and holes that He was nailed in, those are the same holes we were born with that exist inside our own hearts. And then I saw how that has been sown in, we just could never see it before.
Here comes “The Good News”—Jesus died, but the story did not end there. The Bible said, after three days, Jesus rose again, just as we must also do the same, and that I believe is what makes a person, a Christian. We were never born as one, but we must be reborn as to how we were initially and originally conceived before sin ever became part of the equation—to be the righteousness of Christ through Him.
I believe, no one is born already a Christian because we were born not as one but as sinners, who were already dead to our sin, and so, for us to become a Christian, or to be more specific if we want to be like Christ, (That is pretty much what I believe Christianity means, as the choice, God has left up to us to sow what we can reap— “Come and see” where He was staying—It was an open invitation to be reborn in Christ—John 1:39).
“Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God.” Romans 10:17 And I have uncovered how faith is all about hearing—The Word—which is what The Bible is—manifested to flesh in Jesus—while the design of His death, paved the road for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us—and God—The Father—saying, we already have the right faith—The Faith of Jesus.
In the same way how we can look at love, and how love works—but first, using our own eyes—Can any of us admit with an outmost conviction— “I love this, (particular) person, or that, (specific—one) by pointing to “This thing” or “That thing”? —Honestly, no, I don’t think so—for none of our eyes can see the quantifiable substances of what makes love—love, and yet somehow, most of our hearts already know for certain when we are in love—because of how “Love” enhances the universal depths of our perception, that is what faith can manifest onto life. “Let there be light,” God said and there was light. We can only see it if we believe we can.
So, as for me to know what it is to “truly” have faith—it started—by me opening, not just the book of the Bible, so, I can read, and hear what the words say therein, for myself—I too had to also open my own heart to reconsolidate the link, that was once has been severed by my old sin. It was all about building that relationship back in service, and since God is “The Word”, Jesus stretched out his arms and spelled it all out, saying, “I love you this much!” What better rock to build that foundation in but through a conversation, for the Word to then speak to us, and for us to realize how the Word of God—has always been alive, (speaking to us—In the very beginning when God said, “Let there be light” and there was light)—and who at one time, “The Word” became flesh—lived amongst us in the most glorious of ways—so, to lead “The Way” to the main road in the crossroad—for the Word to also find His true dwelling place—from within us—two-ways street, remember?
It is why I believe; no one is born already a Christian—we must first put that journey to a choice—as to be born again. Love needs company, just as faith cannot truly walk alone—faith must be sown—for that seed to be universally known, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, (A new creation) I put away childish things. For now, we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, Love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love” 1 Cor. 13:11-13
To have faith, and what it means to live in faith, and to walk in it would require a special kind of relationship. Since God was the Word, I figured, building that relationship begins inside a conversation. It is a two—way kind of freeway that begins, by us utilizing our “free—will” to meet “God’s will” at the crossroad—I can almost hear Jesus say, “I Will.” We can speak to Him through our prayers, as that becomes our social forum to ask Him whatever we want, and to relay to Him how, and what we feel, why we appreciate Him too, and how much we need to love Him back. As for God’s answers to all those prayers—He gave us “The Bible” as “The Way” to speak to us, and this time I am not referring to the book but the Holy Spirit who now dwells in us—in a more intimate means as to which we can ever even put into an imaginary synonym. But then again, we can only truly know for sure if, or when faith is inevitable.
To read any book is a worldly endeavor—the Bible is not just any book, but also a vessel for us to cross to the other side—to be born again in the Word of God, and since God is Spirit—means—we must also learn to walk that road in Spirit, or should I rather say—with Him—through Him—in Him. God loved us first—that has always been—our crossroad’s starting point.
(3-18-2022) On the day I first wrote the idea of this blog, I had just gone through a very odd, and quite a very long dream, (questionably speaking, for it could also only have been a tiny itsy—bitsy second, for dreams are dreams, can’t really measure it) but just the same—like a tiny grain of seed—even the idea of just waking up from one was out—worldly—that I had a very hard time even just standing up. I could remember opening my eyes, but even when they were seemingly already open, I was still not quite sure, if I was opening them while I was still breathing inside my dreams—for I have had that kind of experience quite often in the past. I felt I needed more of a spiritual intervention—and that was when a thought just suddenly hit me, like how a lightning bolt, sort of suddenly hit a rod—in the middle of a storm. I may have always supposedly thought beforehand that every morning is a storm—anyways—when it comes to the journey of every newly born Christian. Because inside every sowing of the newer seed; I have gotten into the habit of always expecting something wonderful would arise from within that storm—at an open sea.
The next—first step, (I have also uncovered how every step is always the first step because taking any step always comes from a choice for that moment as if life is saying “Let there be light, “ and again, God left it up to us, to follow the light) we must get pass the aftershock, and I did—that was when I suddenly also remembered the word inside another verse, when God asked Moses this question, "What do you have in your hands?”—remember the lightning bolt hitting a rod, that was another “light—bulb—moment”—I saw Moses holding in his hand—a rod, (I could almost hear my mind saying, “Hmmm!”—my mind didn’t really say a word, but what I heard was much more than I can ever envision) Moses had a rod, and he did many amazing and wonderful things with it, and amongst many, the best ones that I can recall, was how he even had the power to part the sea with it.
Do you see what I am trying to say, here? What I saw with him parting the sea, by reflecting the same picture of the sea opening—I also had a picture of Jesus walking on top of one and then allowing Peter to do the same—an open invitation. Moses was able to part what he saw to what everyone can now see in the sea, simply because of what he had in his hand. He has a rod—made of wood—and I saw another wood standing at the crossroad, with open arms—stretching what we can see.
What I saw in the parting of the red sea—is an open invitation—Jesus stretching the arms of the world’s horizon—as if I was seeing the veil of the temple of God being torn in two, from top to bottom, by the blood of Jesus—once and for all—inviting everyone to come and see. I believed I saw—God also speaking to me—trying to reveal in me how I too can find the same way, Moses had, just as the Bible has promised, "As He is" (As Christian, we will hear His voice saying—“I will be with you until the ends of time) "so are we,” (We will become just like Jesus—A Christian—in the same way as every believer like Moses, believed”) “in this world" (We then become the righteousness of God through Him)
James 2:14 asked, “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” Now wait a minute, isn’t faith not about what we can do, but all about what Jesus has already done—
then what does this verse is saying? Jesus is “The Way” meaning He is the only way, He is also “The Truth” meaning He is the absolute truth, and He is also “The Light, and the bread of Life, and the Door, and so on, and on, and on—it is all about grace, and grace is a gift. However, if we do not know anything about who He is and Him being God’s gift to us, how then will we be able to open the gift that has been given to us—that is where faith comes in. Jesus alone is the only one that can save us—period—but if we do not know that, how would we know if we are indeed free? Ephesians 2:8-9 made things very clear, “For by grace you have been saved through faith” it again comes down to building that relationship—not by grace alone, nor by our faith alone, but a collaboration of the two dancing inside a marriage.
Our job is to be the CEO of our own company. And so, I would like to point at the same question God asked Moses, "What do you have in your hands?" I know just about zero, where it comes to being a CEO, or running a successful business, but at least, I know this much, it would be good to have a good staff (In the dictionary the word, staff can be interchangeable for a rod, or small groupings of professionally helpful people, and by a simple twisting of those two same words around, you could probably sum that up to having a friend, we can always lean on. Don't ask me how I got from holding a staff to finding a friend who can lend a hand whenever I needed a hand—I suppose it was all a matter of faith—to know you are not alone, you are with Jesus (dwelling inside us in the Holy Spirit—we already have the greatest friend of all) "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friend." John 15:13 To me that is the heart of being a Christian—for as 1 John 4:16, said, “God is Love”
Then I took a second look at Moses’s rod, and I thought, that it pretty much could have been just a branch from the same tree, and then another thought also connected that thought to another tree—Noah’s—ark, anyone? Now, if you were to do your own cross-matching, "this thing" with "that thing," do you still need me to spell it out for you with regards to the twisting of your own itch? Hmm! Somehow, I believe you may have already—also crossed that line. Okay, if that was the case, you might have also reached the understanding of the analogy of the rod, but what about the lightning-bolt part? God said, "Let there be light," and here comes the lightning element. It was here where everything became only a matter of how we can receive “the light,” to give us the lightning we needed to light the lightbulbs of our minds—but we must be willing, at some point, to get hit with the same lightning bolt, to sow that seed in.
In my last book, "The Suit Jesus measured to Fit Me," I had a chance to question a notion as to where, I got to wear the suit of my Christianity—as one that I must wear from the inside—out. The Holy Spirit must first be present, and already dwelling from within that person, as for the Holy Ghost to guide us in all our ways. I dug deeper into my studies of the Bible, and I have uncovered how Christianity has always been about a personal choice, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20—placing the first brick on top of the other—building a personal relationship with God, and all of that begins in the sowing, by receiving and opening the unique gift Jesus has given us, through grace.
When two people fall in love—you may just as well imagine those two—are Christians—who happened to be in love with one another, and when that seed grew—up to the point of giving birth to a fruit—a baby. Do they being both a Christian, automatically make their baby already a Christian by default? No! Of course not, because that would be taking the very significance of “Free—will” out of the equation of what love truly is—as a free enterprise. I believe we already now know, it does not work that way, because Christianity must also be reborn through a personal choice.
There is a law to everything, and every law has its own process. In the same way, how every other baby, born from within their own specific, traditional or theologies, may have opened their eyes and grew up thinking that is who they are—can be very deceiving to the ultimate identity of that child. It is one thing to grow up, in the general sense, and it is an entirely different thing to grow inside the condition of one’s spirituality—one can never embrace what one has not seen before, or still cannot see. We have no control over the first birth, (as to which family to be born into, which creed, what language we get to speak in, not to mention all mysterious conditions of our circumstances, and so forth) but as for the other, we do, and we can—through a renewing of the mind, and as for faith to truly be the key to everything, a choice must be made.
Reminder: Please be advised that I believe our source's guide will always only be the Holy Spirit and the Bible alone. Whatever I have said here must be placed under a personal investigation through your private conversation with God (The Bible). I am still a seed, and I am just a student trying to study and learn from the "Word," and I am only sharing what I have uncovered to find.