“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
The Bible teaches us that all men were created equal, but a great majority of the rumblings that I have come to hear, circulating from within the world—wide—circular, system, do not quite seem to agree to fit that “particular” truth inside the same flattened line, even though there are already verses upon verses that exist; to prove such truth—to be true, otherwise. I am not about to say, I can blame just about every single one of them because I, myself used to be a fanatic of such a club, who believes, in terms of believing is seeing—but when I meditated on what I have been using to my seeing—that was when I suddenly culminated a much wider perspective, and I had but only one choice left to choose from, and I found the emergence of my inner self in me, who sought to sow “that” as a seed. Keep in mind that when I said, I meditated on it, what I truly meant to say was, I sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit who I believe, now dwells in me—not because I saw Him firsthand with my own eyes, but rather, it was the other way around. Jesus stretched out His arms, opened both His hands in front of me, and offered His unconditional Love to me, and then, He blessed me, (with His eternal blessings)—for me to be able to see, what He was sent to say, and what He came to provide, and prepare from within our very own heart, and since I now, also know who He is— “He is Love,” (1 John 4:16)—who am I to argue with the One who loves me beyond the very depths of everlasting. Have you ever tried to imagine, measuring the unmeasurable? Well, then, there you go—and so, I chose to believe Him. And what exactly does that belief of mine, exemplifies? While I was standing under my so—called—crossroad, I did not just suddenly uncover my belief—I believe—my belief was also the one who found me, simultaneously, (again, it was all about the conversation, about the collaboration, and about the sowing, and the nurturing of my so—called—relationship with God, and I truly believe in that, now) and as soon as when “now” happened, what I found was this indescribable peace in my heart, and I then knew—instantaneously, Jesus loves us all the same.
“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, (Jesus) and one Spirit, (The Holy Spirit) just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Ephesians 4:1-6
I stood at my crossroad seeking to understand, and to stand corrected as a witness—that not one of us can measure “The Way,” except Jesus—alone, and He did so, to the “T”—and the sewing of that suit, or the sowing of that seed, was a perfect fit for us to wear, and simultaneously, to grow eventually into, (To be the righteousness of God through Him, and because of that gift, we have also been endowed with a new sense of lens, (faith) to see everything on an entirely different language, because from then on, it was no longer about seeing, but about speaking the truth of what I needed to see—come to life)
I have also come to believe there is a big difference between reading the text of the Bible, and consuming the spiritual context, speaking from within them, and I am in no way trying to suggest, spiritualizing everything just to fit my own narrative on the matter, but only to put the equipping of that entire journey, inside a place I can call as, “my Home—with Him” with which I have identified to fit inside that special kind of a bond—specifically—to arrive inside a personal dialog existing between God and me, or incidentally—between God and you too, and every other believer, with hearts wide open, to welcome “His Way” with the same open arms. “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” 2 Corinthians 3:17
This is what I came up with from reading the text in the Bible, on the sixth day, God created Adam first, while at the moment God led Him onto a deep sleep, was when Eve eventually came into the picture, (I am not talking about “The Bigger Picture” but only the picture that I envisioned in my head) Based on that text alone, it does seem to me as if, Adam, or should I say, man, has the upper hand, or the advantage over Eve, or else, over the hierarchy slices of it all.
I then turned to God, and as I was speaking with Him, my mind was also so very automated on talking to me too, and it boiled down to me, looking at another image of it—this time it came in terms of a basic algebraic equation: A + B = C What I mean is, it was as if, I started thinking of what I can represent to what should A to B, (since A was the very first letter, I saw, first) I concluded that A = Answer—as to lead me to what I wanted to C, for me to B. It became a question of relativity, given that my idea of algebra, I thought, was mainly all about—representation.
I then figured, I could always also assign A = Faith, B = Hope, and C = Love, to satisfy my thinking to fit into the same equation I heard from the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 13:13, saying, Faith + Hope = Love. So based on that, the most logical thought I concluded with was in how fast I can get myself from A to C was to keep on going forward on a straight line, and that meant, I needed to reach out to both hope, and faith first, for me to get an understanding of what, or who love can be to me. And there I found out about the new rules, and the new law, and the process; when it comes to theorizing an acceptable outcome, and so the next—first thing, pointed me to concentrate on faith, specifically on how I was going to get to it. That immediately led me to a verse in the Bible, telling me how, “faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God,” and then another equation instantly emerges onto the flow, this time, reassigning A = Love, while there was another verse which also predominantly put hope at the center stage, as to where I needed to B, to get to C where it was the same faith initiating the facelift, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” the equation then became; Love + Hope = Faith.
I know how unnecessary all of this may have already seemed to you or sounded even when I already admitted I was talking with God. Why then was I letting my mind have a voice in this? I would like to answer that based on the very first intuition I had when I first realized it—by me saying—I do not, honestly, and truly know why—exactly, but as that, being simply as how it all boiled into, as it was what it is going to be. I then saw that I, as in the totality of myself, is an entirely, a whole different calculation all by itself, and yet still fit inside the same equation: A + B = C, My Body + My Soul = My Spirit, and the minor difference, as it just happens to be; I already got my spirit part, (The Answer) all figured out, at the exact moment when I came to “C” Christ was already in me, (“It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” Galatian 2:20) and as for me personalizing, C = me as a Christian, and my responsibility now becomes how to get my soul to “C” it too, to conform my body to “B”—(“A” = A new creation) and that too is all about the relationship, (and I would like to sharpen the point “ship” from the word “relationship” as a very important journey which could lead me to a much bigger one, “relating that journey” through my personal fellowship with my God.) Romans 12: 1-2 puts it in a more obvious way, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” It is not that I am allowing myself to lean on my own understanding, but I am choosing to lean on the Word of God’s guidance, to redirect my path to the right one—the right one being—His. As was promised, Psalms 119:105-106, 109 —“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, (I am leaning on Him to take away all my doubts from out of the equation) “and a light to my path,” (I am choosing to embrace His light to cast away all my fears) “I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments—My soul is continually in my hand, yet I do not forget thy law.”
Okay so, to get back to the initial equation; for us to equate what love is, we must first figure out how faith works, as well as what sort of substances to fill our hopes with. And I pretty much already got the formula to both “Love,” and “Faith,” now what about hope? The funny thing was since I already welcomed the idea of faith, I suddenly saw a smile sprouting out at the very surface of my own face and thought of it as a mere “walk in the park,” per se, looking at hope as being the easiest one to reconfigure out of everything. Why? —it was because all I simply needed at that point was Jesus, and me—resting all my hopes on Him. Since Jesus had already done all the work necessary, and already finished the very act of measuring the entire way, and so, all I thought I needed to do was merely react to it, knowing all too well, the Holy Spirit also, already dwells in me—will be always ready to supply me with the guidance I would need to follow—I am following His lead, period, and it all comes down to—TRUST, (T = time, R = rest, U = (You, as in Him), S = sanctified, T = truth, or testimony) It became simply about seeing how to get myself at the right “time” for me to “rest” my heart at the right place, as to sow that seed on the “sanctity” of what His love has declared in me to the absolute “truth”—where “U” in Him, can now only be found inside me, (where the word “only” and “me” becomes relative to everyone else, to be reborn through a personal choice.)
Now, that we got that whole calculation of the way—out of the way, let us now then, go back to the text at hand, for us to reexamine the context of it.
The text that was written in Genesis 1:26 has said, “God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,” now, based on that text alone, I thought, it is just natural to assume, the text is pointing at the creation of Adam, but as for me to get to the bigger context from out of that, it has been revealed onto me, to also consider what Genesis 1:27 also clarified, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them,” Okay so, where it comes to whether God created Adam first before Eve, here is where I most likely to agree but only to also disagree, afterward. I have come to believe God created Adam and Eve, at the same time, equally, inside the same seed. Adam only happened to be the main representation of the A, (as for which equation, I leave that up to the individual—to uncover)
Time—out! I suddenly felt a great urge to disclose something here first before I go on. Please note I am not about to pretend to know more than I may end up representing here. The point is, as a newly born seed myself, I will be introducing a Hebrew word, that I feel could somewhat decipher my case in a greater light, (employing transparency) and before I get to do that, I want to say, I have not taken any class, nor lessons, with regards to the Hebrew language or textual context, but only to signify what I have googled through a biblical concordance website, and so, I shall leave that under your own personal discretion.
There was a Hebrew word—translation, which discovered my attention, and I want to use that discovery to expand my uncovering of the truth here, and that word was, “Adama, or Adamah” once translated onto English, could pretty much point us to many different categories, like “land, or ground, or soil, or even the earth” with which can also be interrelated to the very definition for “man in general, or mankind, or to make it even more relative—the representation of our humanity, as in the complete unification of all of us”
To further expand the context of the text, I would gladly like to point your attention to what Genesis 2:7 has added to it, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”
The text of the Bible is infallible and absolute, and the verses therein have been supplied with the very breath of life, itself, while each one has been seeking to find a special place, in each of our hearts—to call “home,” by way through an internal conversation. Again, I often associated that with—me drinking a cup of tea, and the whole idea is to consummate every flavor, for the” T” to consume me, as well as to make the “T” become the greater part of the journey—as for the creator of the overall universe to dwell from within me. The very idea, alone, when it comes to how the infinite universe could exist inside a finite state, like a cup, can be an overflowing thought, to say the least, but how much more, if I, or we can then find the seed to start to imagine—us as being the cup, and not only were we blessed to have the universe to fit from within ourselves, but the very Sower of all the seeds, also opted to walk there with us, as to calm the culmination of all of it? I can almost see us, seeing the same sea, fellowshipping inside the same ship, in the middle of the same storm, and then to be able to see Jesus coming towards us, walking on top of everything that surrounds us, waving at us with His stretch-out arms, saying, “It is I; do not be afraid” And I have come to believe, studying the Biblical text should be welcomed in the same way—seeking to be consumed, and vice versa.
The very origin of the truth has always been provided for us to see it in plain sight, just as the very source of it—God has put inside the purest of form, by Him saying, “Let there be light,” as if the Word, just literally manifested onto life, and just as if Jesus also literally came standing right in front of us, inviting us to walk with Him, outside the sea of our each of our personal consciousness. And I have come to believe, we can only sow the very seed of that, through the faith of Jesus—the Author and Finisher of ours.
Allow me then to spice up this conversation with a tad of my own salt—me, putting Adam at the very center of this universe, where it comes to the use of the word “Adama,” as to point at him as higher than everyone, who would eventually come onto being, after him. But even then, as I sought to recall, God only formed one man from out of the earth, and when it came time to creating Eve, God did not make another new creation from out of the dust of the same ground, to then also breathe the same breath of life onto her, in the same way God did so with Adam, but here is what Genesis 2:21-22 declared, otherwise, “And the Lord God cause a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, (Eve was already inside of Adam’s womb, as well as we will also be included there, eventually, when God first created Adam— “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them,” And it is also quite interesting to note how the woman was born from out of the womb of the so—called—man’s seed, after further consideration, how the whole humanity from then on will be born from the womb of every woman—as to which, I also believe is part of the unquantifiable source that dwells inside the first, original seed, as is also the reason why the Bible calls it, “In the beginning…Chapter of “His—Story,” as in man’s ultimate history inside God’s overall story cascading onto ours) “and closed up the flesh in its place,” (Like picking fruits from out of a tree and letting whichever fruit chooses to be fruitful—as what become another generation of the same trees, (Tree as in, the Sower, and the Sower as in the Triune God, The Triune God as in three indistinguishable foundations, united as One, and one as in the One—Home to everyone who has been seeking to understand) ‘Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to man” (I believe here is where God introduced us to the main motivation of His creation; to put all His creations, and to magnify everything inside the crown jewel, or as we otherwise like to call, a picture-perfect marriage—"That” has always been all about “Love” and through “Love,” it has always been about the relationship, as that to be the central foundation, to what we can then call, as “Our—Home, through Him.”
Hearing those words come to life inside me, was like music to my own ears, and all that I wanted to do, at that very moment, was to run towards my own mountain—hill while singing the song, “The hills are alive with the sound of music with songs they have sung for a thousand years, (pointing at the Word of the Bible as being alive in me, and me, singing the whole context of it, to what I can relate to, in a much deeper sense—is feeding me the hope I needed to breathe in a new set of life, and to breathe out to a new set of voice, to draw from it my new identity in Christ—which from the beginning, I have come to believe, as the sole purpose of my life—seeking to perfect the new rhythm of my hearts)— “The hills fill my heart with the sound of music, my heart wants to sing every song it hears,” the representation of my singing, can be a lot like feeding the soul.
In building that perfect rhythm to a perfect home, one would need the perfect Carpenter, who already know all the words to every song, and I, for one—only know of one, who fits that suit, but Jesus, and Him alone—who is “The Word of God” Himself, manifested onto flesh.
In building a relationship, or to literally build that house to be our perfect home, I asked myself as to who can fulfill such work, but “The Tree of Life” Himself—and the very Carpenter who carried the whole trunk—load of the full extent of our strength with sin, being our chief disrupter, and Jesus took the full forces of sin, all to Himself—paying the full wages of it, which was death, and identifying how willing He was to die for such a great cause. Although Him—dying for me, was not the final puzzle to fit perfectly onto the equation, but Him raising the bar exponentially infinite, and when it came down to balancing, and checking the lifeline of the final answer to life itself—He overcame even the “dead—end” aspect of all of us—for us to be able to reborn once again on a newer life through Him. That was the foundational ground, I sought to sow the seed, onto my new heart, which He had already given me, ahead of time, as a gift, through that equation—and all I can ever do from then on was to simply sing along that Word, indeed was alive in me.
In comparing the roles of both man, and woman inside the original blueprint of what makes a vessel—a perfect "Home,” and if we were to only base everything upon values, and/or DNA, and molecular structures—alone, (as in, as each of us was implicitly designed to fit in it, can no way be truly calculated in simple term, or geometrically measured, not even replicated—in the sense of reconsidering how the very key element, to the very grain of that seed, that existed inside both, only came to fruition through God breathing the same likeness of Himself onto both, as being synonymous. Whatever fills the cup of one, the same goes for the other. Our body, or the part of us as to which the Bible calls the vessel, may have indeed been molded from out of the same dust of the earth, but we each are also shaped independently, given that each of us has our own separate space to fill, or to do a specific, and specified role to symmetry to a much bigger—overall equation, that even the very least of us, no matter how small, or seemed insignificant in comparison to the other—would eventually end up having the same value, in the end, simply because of the idea of solving any equation will also always come down to the retracing all the errors, came about from the original sin. It will always come down to resowing the representation of the first seed of our humanity. The “Good” news is, we have been given a newer set of rules, ever since the Last Adam came to solve everything—He has been fueling the inside of us, with practically a new sense of identity, that is spiritually inspired, and I only have one word to substitute to the very measurement of it—as, perfect) the Bible said, God created man from the likeness of His very being—not just Adam, but both Adam and Eve, “He created him; male and female He created them.”
Seeing that equation through our own eyes, the husband does seem as though, has a much significant role to fulfill inside the home structured environment, (based upon the natural law) but depending upon the many other unforeseeable variables that can come from an undisputable number of added circumstances, which can arise at any given moment, the same can be said to the role of the wife. To look at that in terms of seed from within the relationship element of maturing, the general square root of both will always equal to one, because in the end, both are working to solve the same equation, and one cannot implement their full strength without the help of the other.
Now since our Bible Study, is all about the mining of the treasure that exist inside the conversation, let us then dig a little deeper—to consider—the argument that God intended to create man first, (The Adama—man, was the very first one of us, regardless of our differences—or as to which type of chromosome we inherit—whether under X or Y—was never a question of why, but as God’s response to how He loved each of us from within each of our individualist context—where the very idea of loving us in the most personal way has always been our Triune—God’s sincerest nature, which was Love, and to put “Love” at the heart of the ultimate conversation—like pouring “T” into a cup will be like God giving each of us the same gift, as if pouring the present to what could become the fruit to our tomorrow’s tree—to the extent as to what humanities evolution has been promised to become, (when the main objective from the very beginning of God’s overall creation for Man/Adamah/Humanity, was—to be fruitful, and multiply; for that to happen a home must be embedded to sit under two comparable foundations, sharing the full weight of the entire responsibility or otherwise, through a marriage—man would always need a helper, comparable to him) the woman. Genesis 2:18, And the Lord said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” And I would like to Highlight the word “comparable to him—here” in the sense that even though Adam was created first, I believe Eve, also has always been a big part of the ultimate design of Adam, as congruently proportioned as an extension of him—being that he was to be the seed for the entire humanity, could never be accurately sown without Eve, being part of the whole equation.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deeper opinion on the matter, to distinguish Adam as to be superior, (as being the first human inside the seed of humanity) not just in comparison to Eve, but also from every human being—in that, Adam was not born from out of just any man, (I was initially going to say, he was the only one, but then I overheard my own heart, meditating on the image of another—Adam—which the Bible also called as the last Adam which is Jesus, who was born inside the marriage of both the Heaven/God/Spirit, and the Earth/Man/Flesh) whereas Eve was born through Adam, while all of us were to be born through the representation of Eve.
I must say, the more I try to simplify my thinking concerning the complexity of everything, the very intricate manner of how it has always been so simple is turning out to be far from being quite simplistic. I do not even know if what I had just said just about now could be considered a positive remark, but it does make one thing much clearer to me—I must work much harder, on the “resting” part. Instead of making a mountain hill out of a small bump on the road, has made me realize to consider something else that is much smaller than that, like a tiny grain of stone, which can substantially turn all those giants—to fall out of the way, and how a small grain of seed, can even reinvert all those mountains to move, from being a mountain to a hole on the ground, as can be an acceptable place to sow our seed in—we can dig through them as if making branch as to our bridge—which we can step onward to building our personal stairway to heaven. It is so interesting to me how that thought has sounded to my ear—I could almost see Jesus’ stretch-out arms, doing all the lifting, and doing all the hard work of paving every bump on the road, nailing down all the signs, and sicknesses, and weaknesses, and inequities, and prohibitions, and so forth—to keep us out of every harm’s way, to then see Him standing—so righteously, at the very center of the crossroad, reaching for each of our hands, not just Adam, but also every single remnant born through Him, can now be reborn through the righteousness of God in Christ.
Now, here comes the question at hand: Man and Woman, are they truly equal in the sight of God? I would like to say—Yes—absolutely, as not just an opinion of mine, but more of a collective sum, stemming from the very revelation that I had, seeking the truth. And the truth = liberty; and I feel so very liberated to say, we are all equal in the sight of God, regardless as to which spectrum—man, or woman, because look at God, looking at us, as a seed coming from the first man Adam, has been substituted by another Adam who is not like the other, He is blameless, and sinless, and pure. We became as righteous as Him, not because of us, or how good we are, not even based on how capable we can be, none of those matters, but only Jesus does. It has been all about A = Love, and Love = Jesus, and Jesus working to put the “+” at the crossroad as our bridge to B—A new creation in C = Christ, as us = Christians.
Do excuse me, because I am going to keep going back, referring to the last book I have written, which I entitled “The suit Jesus measured to fit me,” because the suit that I was denoting there is this same very suit, I am now about to note onto this one. The suit is the very righteousness of God through Christ. For to such a book like mine was, without its cover, or without the title to call it, will be exactly the same as looking to the mirror of a glass with no sort of substance to identify itself with, but on the moment I started coining the phrase “Faith does not walk alone” was when I suddenly—saw myself wearing the suit, I am wearing now—meaning, the suit that I ended up wearing, not from the outside with its tangible linings, but through the inner means, where home designated to point as to where the heart is, Love has risen on top of that horizon. I stand tall knowing the Holy Spirit now dwells in me, and so, what else can I do but to walk what I came here to speak life? And that is the Word of God, and Jesus Himself saying through me, “As He is, so are we in this world.”
What does God see, looking at us, and how does He do so? He does so with His arms open, looking for His Son, to embrace from within us because from where God is, He no longer sees us, as our old selves (“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9) nor does God—The Father, see our sin, anymore, (“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins” Isaiah 43:25) What God does see in us, is His Son through us, because as each of us inhabits the devotional state of a Christian, the Holy Spirit, right there and then, occupies our hearts as the dwelling place of “The Highest”
We can go on and on, comparing ourselves to one another, pointing as to who is among us as the best one of us, or who can be the better, or the wealthier, or the more deserving of God’s favor, or even to go as far as designating the very least of us, our sins will forever hold us accountable to fall short—but to compute through faith, where it comes to how God will see us, based on the greatest context of us, He will only, always see Jesus standing with us at the crossroad, as a new creation. All that will become much clearer at the very moment we begin to recognize Jesus at the very moment we chose to sow the new seed by saying, “Let there be light,” we can start singing, “Here comes the Son, tut—tut—tu—tut, here comes the Son, and He will say, it’s alright, tut—tut—tu—tut—tutu—tut, Son—Son—Son, here He comes—Strawberry fields, are forever.” I am just saying, everything becomes music to our ears.
Reminder: Please be advised that I believe our source's guide will always only be Our Father-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible alone. Whatever I may have said here must be placed under a personal investigation through your own private conversation with God (The Bible). I am still a seed, a student who is trying to study and learn from the “Word,” the best I can, and I am only sharing what I have uncovered to find so far. The journey is a continuous conversation inside a personal relationship, and my objective is not to change your thinking in any matter, shape, or form, but only to maybe inspire you to rethink things. Traveling on the road of “Free—Will” the choice for that crossroad therein will always be yours to choose alone, with one exception, of course, you will never be alone. (FAITH: F—ind A—n In—road T—hrough H—im)
PS: Please feel free to leave a comment, or a simply “Hello fellow faith seeker” would be a great boost of inspiration to my Bible Study—I rather welcome them even more, and only if you agree with the message I am trying to pay—forwards, please do not hesitate to share this journey with other. Afterall—Faith never walks alone—Faith moves through the Love of God.