“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” Matthew 17:20
Have you ever literally tried to compare the measurement of a mustard seed against the backdrop of a giant mountain? My common sense tells me, I highly doubt it, because the very question itself is “self—evident” enough for that question to be rhetorically voided. First, we all already have a predefined knowledge of what a mountain is, and second, when it comes to how small a grain of a mustard seed is, even if I were to confess, how I still had to do my due diligence of trying to find that out for myself, what I found was practically conclusive, (I can hold one of those things in question, in the palm of my hand, or even just using the very tips of my fingers, but as for the other, I can only scope the frame of it in my hand, if my hand is holding a binocular) You can call me ignorant, but yes, I still had to do my own research with regards to that mustard seed, or about how small its size was, because, you know, that wasn’t exactly taught in any of the school I went in, growing up. If I was a farmer, I could have given you an entirely different story.
The chances I was given were very clear to me, the size of a single mustard seed can just as easily be contextualized to as little, or even less than a millimeter, (roughly around the size of this “.”—dot) and yet Jesus said, if we have such a faith as small as even the size of that “dot,” we can move the likeness of such mountains, no matter how big they could all may seem through our framing them from the speck which has existed in our eyes. For faith, after all, is more than what meets the eye, (ehnk—ohnk—uhnk—ohnk—oouhnk, that’s a private joke for those who are still a kid at heart, like me) Anyways, I thought, we would have to go on some sort of a personal transformation, to get to the point upon sowing any sort of seed onto this “particular” post—as to base them out of our own private speculation, (Through meditation, of course) and so, I also thought it best, to plow the surroundings of my mind first, as to get that chance to cultivate a much greater context out of such a verse. My plowing and my digging led me, on a milli—size adventure of my own, inside the book of Matthew, more specifically, I had to make a special detour in chapter 17. Whether I was thinking ahead, imagining the peak of my existing—journey, or merely peeking at the very keyhole of the lock of it, or I was literally picking to unlock that very page—regardless as to which sandwich is which, (I decided to look at that choice as in eating food, like sowing a seed, or to truly consume God’s Word—must enter our mouth for the Word to get to our hearts, and vice versa if we want to share them to others) I thought of another interesting thought, thinking, “I am just about to reap what I had barely beginning to sow”—that thought was such a blessing to me that seemed, a little more like a miracle, hearing those pages come to life, through my hearing—ears—hearing, Jesus’s voice telling me of how He took Peter, James, and John and led them, on a most profound adventure, for such believers as they were. They went up on that high mountain—thinking—they were just doing so, looking for perfect praying spot, but at the very moment they got there, what they found was the answers to their prayers. Jesus has allowed them—witness—as for them to be able to see His divine transfiguration—framed in focus, “His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light, and behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him”
Jesus literally invited them in on a very personal relationship with Him, for them to see who He truly always was, as the very same God we all know and loved, in our Father—Godhead, incarnated unto His begotten Son, spiritually abounding, and shining in His truest nature, and not only that, He was talking with two of the most noteworthy prophets of the scriptures, whom when they were alive—already prophesied about His coming, along with the reason why He had to come, and came to do—to fulfill it. I can’t even fully imagine consuming how big of a revelation that “actually” was, emphasizing the very unveiling of our future crossroad, on behalf of those three apostle’s growths, where it came to their own walk in faith, and for that to eventually inrush to where the heart is—and that there, was for the sake of all of us—where the idea of sowing a different seed, namely the seed of “unbelief” should no longer have been deemed as a probable inclusion to the conversation about faith. (Peter would later confirm such prophetic testimony from within his own written book, and testified, “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the Holy Mountain.” 2 Peter 1:16-18)
Anyways, having just come down from that mountain, and met the multitude, “a man came to Him, kneeling to Him saying, “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. So, I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him.” Matthew 17:14-16 “Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the child was cured from that very hour” Matthew 17:18 Later on in that same chapter, “The disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”
Here is the verse when Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you” Matthew 17:20
It is one thing for a newly born Christian believer to see the significance of it, but for someone other who has never even thought of truly formulating the very idea of what faith can bring onto the overall picture—that notion would simply be beyond the depth of their own understanding. I am not saying that to be arrogant, or to be mean, or boastful, most especially my intention was not to make anyone feel impeded. The seeing part in this case is not just about seeing to distinguish what is black or white, but there is an ambiguous sense of complexity to it. There came a time when Jesus’ disciples came and said to Him, “Why do you use parables when you speak to the crowds? Jesus replied, “Because they haven’t received the secret of the kingdom of heaven, but you have. Those who have will receive more and they will have more than enough. But as for those who don’t have, even the little they have will be taken away from them. This is why I speak to the crowds in parables: Although they see, they don’t really see; and although they hear, they don’t really hear or understand. What Isaiah prophesied has become completely true to them” Matthew 13:10-14 But what exactly did Isaiah prophesy, “You will hear, to be sure, but never understand; and you will certainly see but never recognize what you are seeing. For this people’s senses have become calloused,” (callous meaning, they became emotionally hardened, or oblivious towards the truth, or you can even say, they built a huge wall in front of their eyes that were way too thick that not even a sound mind will find it less than challenging to penetrate, and that is to say, I do not even think they were ever cognizant about it, but more like, that wall was built—subconsciously, and when I say subconsciously, I meant, we have been listening way too ideologically on the voices of our older alter ego, the one who has been imprisoned by sin—fueled by a fallen world, and that picture of that cell by itself may indeed appear to be quite paradoxical) “and they’ve become hard of hearing, and they’ve shut their eyes so that they won’t see with their eyes or hear with their ears or understand with their minds and change their hearts and lives that I may heal them.” Isaiah 6:9-10
In retrospect to that, I see people walking today with blinders for eyes, and with their ears technically clogged with cordless earbuds on both sides, walking around with their point of view hard—wired on their cellphone screen. What an original concept isn’t it, for an apple—device to feed us with the knowledge of what is good and evil, and with all the rumors of other rumblings, like a tick—tock clicking of a different clock, or clucking of a different flock of a feather, coming together, and to outright call it as a mere changing of the weather—like a global warming of a sort. And I am not trying to degrade the fruit name of the apple, the Bible never specified as to which fruit with which our sin has fallen from the likeness of, nor do we truly know as to which in particular “it” could have been, was beside the point—for it could have been just about any other fruit you can name of from the top of your mind, and all outcome will be the same because it was never about eating the fruit itself but how it was used to temp Adam with to eating the wrong one because that fruit simply became directly enmesh with the very act of his disobedience against the very Word of God. I mean, now that I am currently consumed by such reasoning, I cannot help but to continue peeling the skin of such a fruit a little more, hoping to note for you how, “The Lord God commanded the man, (Note: only Adam was present to hear that commandment in its full worth and what version of that which Eve ended up understanding was whole different fruit altogether) saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Now I would like to boldly walk for a moment—imagining to fit myself seeing inside Adam’s shoe, (The shoe—meaning—the sole or the soul of Adam’s feet—meaning—the soul as in what could have been in his mind) What I suddenly saw was Adam as comparable to a kid with a sweet tooth, standing at a candy store, or textually standing at the garden surrounded by absolutely so many delicious fruits to choose from, unquantifiable even, (Like a divine—Sower’s version of a Farmer’s market) and I had to keep going back and forth, crossed checking everything as to how I also personally feel about what I can consider being my many favorite fruits, and there were so many to name, and to imagine eating them, seemed to have no proper word to legitimately describe that very experience. I got a great look at that through Adam’s perspective, tasting every each one, but also keeping things in mind, how eating each one, I was eating them for the very first time ever, and I don’t think I need to mention how very new, and freshly—created those trees, and all those fruits that came from all of them were, since, before then, nothing of any sort has ever existed before, and Adam himself had no prior experience to draw from as to compare any of them, and to also think how every fruit which all of us can consolidate, existing now—all of them were gathered “there” together at the so-called—garden of Eden.
Now I, as in me in Adam, consider how I was free to eat any if not all of them—meaning—I do not have to pay for any of them or to barter anything just so to eat every single one of them—and again, to think that Adam or I, may still have enough of a room to consider to be greedier than that, as to add one more to the list of everything? Just picturing the most delicious mango you have ever held in your mouth, or the juiciest watermelon drenching the dryness of your appetite or savoring the most exotic berry like a lansones, (if you don’t know what a lansones is, I can only tell you, if you ever get the chance to taste one, by then, you too would not be able to describe the exoticness taste of it, I am not even sure if it is truly a berry, but I just considered it as a very—very delicious fruit) these are just three examples of such fruit trees, and no matter as to which fruit you prefer to consider as the greatest, all that anyone can consider being the greatest ones, were all there, and free for the picking.
It was not like there I was, looking at Adam, standing alongside Eve, writing the list of pros and cons, calculating a way to consider eating one more fruit. On one side there is this mountain full of fruit names, (The representation of how they were already living their lives in a most prosperous provision, already) while on the other side, there was that one tittle to dig from, or you could also call it a “dot,” (like what one can consider a “big—bang” of an idea or something else of that sort to theorize it with) this time though the reversal, of what I would rather tend to call as the “Anti—seed” compared to the real seed which instead of the idea of a seed bringing them to the light of life, this anti—one, will be leading them to die—for that is exactly what the commandment said, “The tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”) It was never about the fruit itself but because we have a very defiant enemy, calling his preferable motif as an antichrist—distorting the truth of who Christ is, as the Tree of Life to us. For example, how that enemy had used the very best gift which God Himself has given to us—our "Free will”—and he used that as the weapon he temped Eve against, “Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, “You shall not eat of every tree of the garden”?” our enemy was called the father of all lies, and a zealous deceiver for a reason, because his lie is the “complete” opposite of God’s truth, and that has always been the opposition we’ve always been fighting against, but then again, only if we could see, or have seen that there is a fight that actually has been going on. Not seeing the war existing, is already a losing battle, and that is one of the great deceptions— (conning and deceptive—the “Decepticons) But I also believe the enemy has also underestimated us because we are not just some form of an Autobot—robots, but free—willed men and women, freely driven to be free. “We are more than a conqueror through Him who loved us”
But anyways to get back at the course at hand, it was never about how “this” person is better than the other one, or “that” one knows something more than the other, who does not even have any room to open as to know it yet, it was never about any person, in general—or anybody’s work in arguably, and it was never about us or about the work we each gets to express or have done. It is a lot like how we can look at the many different kinds of cups, or glasses’ shapes, or types of vessels sitting in the cupboard, no matter how one of them would look more sophisticated or more beautiful compared to the others, or if one is as simple as one can be, or to even consider comparing one’s outside appearance, cost—wise to be somewhere around a million dollars compare to another cup’s clothing, purchased at a thrift store, costing them only a buck. In hindsight, an empty cup is just an empty cup—Zero will always equal its zero amount—A void no matter how big or small, is still only just a void—it’s an unavoidable concept.
Whereas when you consider the worms, and fireflies, and the butterflies as a mixture of what reality could be, as is—sprinkled with one of the greatest mysteries of life, exemplifying the very idiom of what lies beneath can rise back up beyond their fabled—ashes, like a phoenix, and the same likeness can be said to compare each one of us to such an ennobling conqueror, having our own secret hidden identity, and how that identity has the ability to change clothing, is almost inevitable: A worm squirming from out of the dust of the earth, favoring the mud as its home, is a lot like us, preferring to live out our days in the sun as a sinner as such, whom can also be awaken from the imprisonment of our ensnared inactivity, can just as suddenly turn onto the same metamorphosis, turning the worm onto a butterfly—who is more than able to beautify the night sky, and some even can become more of an inspirational beacon to others who are still asleep—they can literally light up what becomes a new brighter morning.
To speak about a brighter morning, a niece of mine just happened to have gotten married just recently, and they had this theme of an idea, for their guest to wear costumes instead of the regular wedding outfits. I watched everyone in my family trying to go out of their way, picking clothes that would inspire them—that—or something else that was miles apart from who they truly are. As for myself, I initially was not feeling the whole vibe of it, but only decided to comply at the very last minute. I formulated my own reappraisal as to spin such an idea to fit a costume to my liking, and then thought, instead of putting on an alter ego’s clothing, why not just wear something that will depict the real me, on the inside? I decided to wear something that would somehow depict my Christianity, and I went dressing that with props and everything. If in case someone would ask me what I was wearing, I would be showing them a copy of my last book entitled “The Suit Jesus measured to fit me” and I was going to tell them, that I was simply wearing the title of my book as for the theme of my costume, and how I have always yearned to wear a suit, I just never had a chance to do so, and took that as a challenge. I already also anticipated them questioning me about my suit, (since I wasn’t really wearing one) if I was wearing a suit, which was contradictory to what I wore for that day, (Instead of suit, I made my own t-shirt that I designed and ironed—in a message “Faith does not walk alone” and a word—picture depicting the sword of my faith, and that was that which was far from looking like a suit, but I was still quite very unyielding unto telling them, that I was wearing one. The only problem was, to someone who would look at my costume in plain sight, will only see my suit as in its invisible format, because I was wearing my suit from the inside out, (thinking about the Holy Spirit now dwelling in me) unfortunately, no one ever asked me that question, and so, I didn’t exactly have that privilege of telling that side of my story.
To look at that on behalf of me trying to express all our collective “true” identity, metaphorically, it is a lot like how Superman must have an alter ego in Clark Kent— Superman is his “true” nature—and his “true” identity, and Clark Kent wearing his suit only happened to be the costume Superman had to wear just so he can fit into the theme of living on this world. He grew up on the same earth, but his DNA came, was created, and molded, somewhere else that was entirely supernatural. Can you see where I am going with this, hopefully, faster than a speeding bullet, like seeing a nail in hand, you only had to pull it out—to sow a seed in it. As Christians, I see us as Supermen and a Super—Wonder Women, born to fly and to be free and to free everyone else who is still not ready yet to free themselves. As far as the Wedding venue is concerned, your name will always be on the list, but that does not really mean anything if you are not going to redeem your God—given—right to be in it, or else you will be left behind, doubting outside the church, as if still wondering in the wilderness, lost from uncovering the “true” compass of your identity, would be like you not knowing that you are truly a Superman; how else would you be able to think that you can fly and that you belong up there, in the heavens where Jesus has invited you, to wear “The Suit” (His Righteousness) as your wings to get there? As Superman, you will have the use of your super hearing element to focus on, and you’ll have the use of your x—ray vision, which is how close I can describe to you what faith can provide in making you see the unseen things of the world.
What did Jesus mean to say to Peter when He said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” during those moments of doubt, Peter lost the power to walk alongside Jesus on top of the water, or when Jesus was on a boat, crossing to the other side, at the middle of the storm, saying to His disciples, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm,” or when Jesus and His disciples met the multitude after just having come down from the mountain of His transfiguration, and those same disciples who were up there with Him, could not maintain to walk in the same faith which they already embraced, they already had, and wondered why they couldn’t, and Jesus said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there, “and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Now keep in mind, it was not that long ago, when three of those, His so—called disciples, had that defining moment of understanding of seeing the absolute truth about Jesus for who He truly was. These three disciples shared something very special, an invitation as intimate as one can ever be—to be able to see Jesus in His true Godly form, and according to my Bible studying so far, I have not yet found any sort of answer as to why these three disciples in particular, and why only them, but otherwise, I do also feel something in my gut, that is somewhat trying to tell me how I already do know the answer to this question, I just can’t put those same feeling, as to transfigure them unto words that even I, would be privy to understand—does that makes any sense to you at all, I can only hope that it does, and just leave it as it was? I cannot even imagine what Peter, James, and John may have already anticipated, as to what they were going to see up there, compared to what they ended up witnessing, as considered that to be beyond expectation. I mean to see Jesus’ transfiguration was already inconceivable, but to also be able to also see Moses, and Elijah appear next to Him, would be like—I can’t even think of a proper word that can describe that. And I am not even going to try to question if those three ever questioned the identity of those two, (they did not exactly have the luxury of looking at a photo of them, nor did they have the internet to search what they could have looked like) I just took in consideration the culture and their traditions during those times and how religious they were where comes to the book of the “Torah” and that could have given them that instinctive familiarity as to who they were seeing in front of them. I did however have to also ask, why those two? I suppose it was because Moses represented the Law, and Elijah represented the prophets, together, they represented the main infrastructures of the Old Testament with regards to freedom against tyranny—That and, Moses spoke with God through the “Burning Bush” and Elijah spoke with God through a still, small voice, and both happened on a mountain. Moses’s life was in a way a foretelling of what Jesus was going to fulfill later, only in the grandest scale, and Elijah's prophecies are foreshadowing what Jesus will eventually make manifest. Moses represented the Law, ‘For the Law was given to Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” Elijah represented the prophecy, and Jesus said “It is finished”
Time—out! As you may have already figured out for yourself, how whenever I wanted to add my personal opinion on any matter, I use the parenthesis to enclose them as such but this time though, I wanted to add the “time—out” to sort of double—the size of such sentiment, because I will be making an opinion that at this moment of my study—I am not so sure yet to be scripturally factual, but again, for the sake of the conversation to my Bible study, I also feel the need to just put it in, asking you to consider this as only my opinion. This is with regards to why it had to be Moses and Elijah, and not any other, like King David or Abraham, or Enoch, not even the first Adam. I thought about Moses and the Red Sea, and him, saving the whole tribe of Israel from bondage, and then when I meditated on why Elijah, the first image that I saw in my head was him not experiencing the traditional death, but he was miraculously taken up by a chariot of fire, and since we are dealing with Jesus as the savior of the world—made me think about the forecasting of what to be called as the rapture—with the Red Sea opening up, (I saw that as the representation of the veil of the Holy Temple being torn into two, as to include all of us inside the same fold, as in the likeness of the lost sheep being saved by the Good Shepherd. As sinners we are all the representation of the same lost sheep and Jesus is the only Good Shepherd who is more than willing to give His life to save us) all the people being given the chance to cross over to the other side, to me that seemed a lot like the rites of baptism, in a way, and that means we must be born again, for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us because the Holy Spirit is who will be our Chariot of fire—putting the whole rapture thing into effect—at judgment day)
Anyways, I have already noted how seeing Jesus in His true glorious form, was already way beyond belief, but to then also see —who has accompanied Him, only doubled the inconceivableness of it, but those weren’t even the most unconceivable part of all. God—The Father Himself speaking to say, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (It was God—The Father Himself telling them to stop doubting, and gave them a foundational footage to hold their faith on to) And I can’t help but go back to when Jesus asked, “Who do you think I am” and it was Peter who identified Him as the Messiah, and Peter, James, and John, being up there, should have already taken the transfiguration of Jesus as the very justification—to that very fact, and all they had to do, from then on, was to rest their faith in knowing the truth, that has been provided by that very revelation. Jesus practically had given them a mountain—full—size measurements of their faith from that height, but to think that only another moment later, all they could see was but as little of it, comparable to a mustard seed, and left them wondering “What can so little, feed so many?” Jesus also then clarified His point later, how it was never about the quantifiability of their faith, He was questioning, but whether they have the right one in the form of its availability to put in effect, and to then point their attention at their unbelief, which what may have distorted the flow. They were already walking with Jesus, and in knowing that alone already justified the strong foundation of where their faith should always stand; for Jesus was the one who already measured and authored their faith. So, as far as if there truly was as little compared to a mountain or as big as the same actual mountain, does not really matter, as long as they knew—the faith they are using, is walking on the same paved road Jesus has provided for them to cross, and any bumps of that road like unbelief, confuses our mind to lead us off the main course—leading us then to think—we might not even have the right faith.
Jesus said if you have faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed, we have the power to move all those mountains, and upon meditating on which mountain those could all be, I can’t help but see the representation of our sin, our weaknesses, our sicknesses, our failures, our inequities, our insecurities, our broken dreams, pieces of our broken hearts, as well as all the right choices we never get to manifest onto a reality, together with all the wrong ones that got us caught, and seeing all the bad decision we have made along the way, as the mere product of bad luck. I also see those mountains as the mental representation of all our enemies, the tangibles, the unquestionable ones and, or, but existed through principalities—and everything that has held us back from uncovering our “true” identity, and all the other bad journey that unrailed us off the track, and speaking of a track, I have also have tracked it back, for me to face my own reflection, as my greatest mountain to fight against myself to climb—then again—If we do have the same faith, as in the same faith that Abraham had, only believing God—period, then that is just the beginning. When God said to Abraham, “You will be the father of many nations,” and even when he was already old and still had no children, and with his wife already way passed the age of birthing stage, and then had Isaac, and even when he had Isaac for a son, and then God asked him to offer him as a sacrificial lamb, Abraham’s faith stayed firmed, knowing that the promise which God provided for him was already ingrained in stone, that he will be the father of many nations, and saw the road ahead as not just in black or white, but seeing the crossroad of God’s spiritual provision. The things that may seem all too bleak for a moment, with faith, the light is but a choice away.
I am not trying to preach anything here as if saying, I have been there, or I have done that, already—kind of a thing, and then here I am speaking to solicit your attention to listen in to what I have to say—nope, doubling that to even capitalize it—NOPE! That was never my intention at all, because as much as I feel I grown a lot, I have not yet stepped “at my chosen summit”, and although that is what I do see to be my ultimate objective inside my Christian fate, as of this moment in time though—while still processing the very flow of my faith, I can only speak about what I have been guided to see, standing at my crossroad—Bible studying “The Way” to be my only way as well. I am not leaning solely at my personal understanding of the road, but I am on a personal expedition, trying to stretch my hands out for the Holy Spirit to guide my fingers as to what I get to type on top of this page—I am not trying for you to see that I also exist, (I mean, there may be a little truth to it in a sense that I may have had that lingering thought, thinking of whether my life has ever meant anything—substantial to offer anyone) but, otherwise, I only wanted for you to sit with me, and be sitting inside the same boat, so we can anticipate together, the reality of seeing Jesus walking on top of everything—calming the storm of our sometimes messy minds.
I just happened to see a post on Facebook just now, with a message saying, “A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.” I do not know exactly for originally coined that phrase or who wrote it, but I absolutely agree. Knowing when we fall, and why we fall, which makes us be moved to bend our knees, is a great opportunity to sow a new seed from it.
Reminder: Please be advised that I believe our source's guide will always only be Our Father-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible alone. Whatever I may have said here must be placed under a personal investigation through your own private conversation with God (The Bible). I am still a seed, a student who is trying to study and learn from the “Word,” the best I can, and I am only sharing what I have uncovered to find so far. The journey is a continuous conversation inside a personal relationship, and my objective is not to change your thinking in any matter, shape, or form, but only to maybe inspire you to rethink things. Traveling on the road of “Free—Will” the choice for that crossroad therein will always be yours to choose alone, with one exception, of course, you will never be alone. (FAITH: F=Find A=An I=In—road T=Through Him)
PS: Please feel free to leave a comment, or a simple “Hello fellow faith seeker” would be a great boost of inspiration to my Bible Study—I rather welcome them even more, and only if you agree with the message I am trying to pay—forwards, please do not hesitate to share this journey with other. After all—Faith never walks alone—Faith moves through the Love of God.