Can you see yourself as who you truly are? By Wilbert Dela Cruz

Can you see yourself as who you truly are? By Wilbert Dela Cruz

Just like everyone else—I often, find life to be a very complicated matter, but—there are also times when, I can somewhat identify some of those complications through me—drinking a simple cup of tea that is packed—full of the same amount of mysteries. Now, if you can imagine through my experience—drinking a cup of “T”, chances are—you might not be able to know right away, what you are going to get, at the very first sip of it—instead—you must first go through some sort of a discerning process. Albeit, there’s really no need to overthink things at this time, but simply imagining a journey like finding your first suit to fit what the current need requires, would pretty much do the trick—but “first things first,” you, or I, must first learn to recognize what “it” is that can soothe the greater—inner taste, in contention to each of our own grain of salt, or sugar, or seed—that’s up to each of us to pick, and choose. Or otherwise, there must be a common ground, somewhere, where we can both cross that crossroad together by walking that road—“to the T,” and I mean that in every sense of the word, T—time, (T—time as in what I would like to refer to as my “Bible study time,” with the T—being the representation of the cross, at the crossroad, and since the Bible had said—unequivocally, God was the Word, and how the Word became flesh through the stretched—out arms of Jesus’s finished work, and with Him then pronouncing the Word—Himself, “I am the Bread of life,” as well as, how His life was the very fountain of the same riverbend, as to which He gloriously invited us to enter into, (His righteousness) and if you were to tie all of these—variables—and all those roads—or even every crossing of every lines—together, and bridging all of that to the very work of His Grace, T—time then becomes all about, the pouring of the T—unto the cup, and the cup being the heart, and I would like to footnote the journey of my own heart, or even yours, or literally—just about anyone else’s heart, as a vessel for Him to eventually dwell from within inside them—and you know since—Jesus was the equivalent incarnation of God, (The Father) who willed Himself to become flesh, so to be born as the Son, (In this world—for our sake) and Jesus as He was foreordained was also the corresponding re—personification of the Holy Ghost, as was spiritually testified to be the Triune’s purest of form, which is Love—expressed beyond any other form of revenue, and through His Love for us, we became the righteousness of God through Him)—For not even one of us can ever deny this infallible truth—God truly loved us, first.

But “first thing first,” I hope you did not miss to notice the subtle playfulness of how I tried to bend the use of my every word, in that, I am not just trying to invite you to enter one door, but a multiple of them at once. The objective of this post is to get you to an acceptable place to stand with me—for me to be able to allow you to see how I was able to finally see for myself who I truly am, (I was going to say “was” as in, to point at how that has already come to pass, instead of “I am,” who—is still at the mining stage—a work—in progress) just like how I first tried to read the book of the Bible for the first time, and in doing so, took me almost forever just to get to the understanding of what I needed, to read it.

For example, when I said; I found life to be a complicated matter—and sure enough, I have always felt this weird kind of disconnection to life, while also contrasting the synergy of it all—on how exasperated, I have also experienced; trying to understand the truth that is in the Bible, which was even more complex—at least, that was what I thought “In the beginning” In the same way as to how I can now then see that same route, mysteriously interrelated itself to the crossroad that I am standing in—at the journey of trying to figure out who I truly am. I also have come to an understanding; I am going to have to dig much deeper from within the very soul in me—for me to be able to see what I could never see with my own eyes before. While inside my own heart, I had to first also learn, to lean on something much more tangible than what I have previously held captive with my own eyes, —I got to have faith. I supposed, taking that for what it was, would have to depend upon what cup of tea would be supplementary—preferable for you to consume, and I can only offer you to drink, what has been already poured unto my cup, (and you won’t be able to see the very substance of it, unless, you too already have faith)

So, as to get you to understand my meaning, I would like to invite you on a casual date with me, to eat, or maybe ask you to join me at a tea party—the way I see it, to read the Bible at your private time, all by yourself, that is absolutely a wonderful journey for the nourishment of your soul, but to do so with other journeymen/journeywomen, —that same journey can become the ultimate adventure of your lifetime. However, no one should ever take just anyone else’s word for it to be true, you must also do your own crossing of that road. When it comes to which suit to wear for such an occasion, a simple meditation through prayers can introduce you to a belief, you may have already been wearing that suit from the inside—out.

Hmm! But wait a minute, I have come to notice how that is already a whole lot of “first things first” to do first before I can even get to where I would like to start the first sowing of the first seed, but then again, isn’t that what life has always aimed to constitute from within any given crossroad?—With a concern as to how in every moment that comes will always be the first, anyway, and our main objective then becomes the actual act of crossing that line, and as to who will get to it—first. The first thing being—has led me back to the book of Genesis, specifically when God said, “Let there be light,” And from within that very gift of life, God also provided us with the “free—will,” to use it, in turning that same light—to widen our universe with, and that will always be the first thing and the most—foremost thing. That would be the “T” on the crossroad, and while in it, we will eventually come to the proverbial point of crossing that line.

I can’t say anything more about what you may have already thought about “it,” but as for me, whenever I think about crossing any line, I could always see two of them—the first line, the one I have to draw from within my own ground, as to be my starting point, and then there is the other—the one of which I also believe, has already been drawn in, ahead of time, at the very end of that same very line, with one exception—someone other has done all the work, and all the measuring of, “The Way.” I would rather like to call the first line as, the human—race, and when it comes to what sort of race, we can individualize “it”, the objective then becomes inevitable—as to who amongst us will get there—first.

But first—please, before I continue to run my mouth all over the place, or before I start chasing my fingers on top of my keyboard, I hope you will not misunderstand my sense of independence—here. For I am in no way trying to suggest, portraying life as a sort of competition. I am only stating the first obvious thing that comes to mind. Whether we accept it or not, believe it, or not, or if we ever even considered it, cannot change the fact that we all have these same deep yearnings to be the first—that even if one finds oneself at the last place at an ongoing race of whatever sort, I am almost certain, that person will also be seeking to be the first to portray being the first one to be okay with not being the first. I have come to believe that to be the flaw of our human nature—with the flaw being—it came because of how we once—have fallen onto, or into it—it, being the dark void of our hearts, because of sin, and inside that same void of a hole, that is where we must then sow the seed of our faith. For, “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” Ephesians 4:8

Anyways, with all that being said, the journey then comes down to how we can be delivered from out of our rebellious proclivities, and about weighing down what becomes manageable for us to accept—as to be each version of our new reality, which is pretty much, contingent upon the concept of check and balance, and about evoking the manifestation of the unwritten rules, befitting to fit inside what is to be, our so—called—life. It is one—big—puzzle in moderation, while the main objective is quite very simple—which is to find every single piece of that puzzle to fit “What” to “Where”—we can then question the “Why” part—to, “When” becomes the definable conclusion into finding out the “Who” is in us, as to be drawn out from our internal artistic calisthenic, like how tea can be poured into a cup—the body too must do some bending of a sort—through the renewing of the mind. However, before any of that can be put into an acceptable, and transferable motion, (ATM) we must first have to see it, (how our savings—account, has all already been paid in full and put into a running credit, and the running part, in this case, is all about walking that road through faith) to believe it, but the seeing part is where I have come to believe the bulk of life’s mysteries—lies—the key element of our faith is to see how we can now differentiate the lies, for the truth to rise above all principalities. That even though we have been given eyes to see with, we can never really see, our—true—authentic—identities, by just looking through those very same lenses, as to get an accurate justification as to who we indeed are—at this very moment in time—in this “Now”—moment.!?

Okay, sure, it can be visually conceivable to rely on mirrors to obtain a somewhat reflective sense of balance—but only to get a crossed inverted interpretation of the real thing—with the left being at the right side, while the right—has pretty much left us wondering—and I am not trying to direct your attention back at “my right side—here,” but at his—if that person in the mirror, is in fact, me too—Hmm! I am afraid that will always be confusing to me. Me, standing behind that line, I will always be thinking—"That”— should never even be the case, (The case being, I will probably be leaning way too much on the framing of my own understanding of it—as the wheel in my head will be turning; expression through oppression)— Disparagingly speaking, I would have to say to myself, “No one else should be able to know me more than—I, alone, right? (this deserves a double question mark, with something extra to question my questioning of it)?”—rhetorically speaking, and yet I can only imagine looking, seeking to be demystified—every time. “Why is that?”—is the question which my heart will always be longing to uncover from out of my own mind’s—cobweb—like conundrums. It would be very challenging to take those specific vices apart, and relatively scary to uncurl it all out in the open, because if “Home” truly is where the heart is, then why do I feel like—not entirely homely inside my own skin? A conversation for the body and soul—while hopefully—also for the spirit to then intervene, but then again, I believe that to be the inevitability of God’s poetic hand, being spoken to live in an ecclesiastically—like manner, as His poetry in motion—rewritten from the heart.

And I am also aware, there will be other ways, just as there will be other people seeking their own mirror to reflect themselves in us too, and vice versa—a family member, perhaps—a friend—a best friend—or even the one we each may consider, as the love of our lives. Hmm! But here is when I cannot help but give a disconcerting sigh to express my sad—disposition; for I am afraid all we can ever do is wish for it. It would be wishful thinking to think—that their own heart is open enough to see the real us, but to be honest with ourselves, the only thing they can ever give us, are but a summary of what we in ourselves are willing to give away in return, and that is the problem. It will be like working on an algebra equation, where two negatives could just as easily cancel each other out—an inverted mirror facing another mirror, inverted. You know, because since we can’t see ourselves directly, we must base the personification of our reflection, on utilizing our emotions, and you know how emotions work—in most cases, what we usually end up feeling at any given moment becomes the representation of us, which often can be misleading to our own identity. So, how accurate can those summarizations be possible when we do not even have a proper hold of our own framing of our mirrors, in comparison to what our identity necessitates? Here is where the checking and balancing take priority: I can only give to others what I can see in me, and if I can only see what my eyes have prioritized, I would pretty much be doubting myself every time.

Now let us think together under the same mind about all the other things that can go on behind the background narrative—of each of our individual stories. It has been said that there is this war raging on our minds, while the battlefield therein has been excessively bombarded by many other voices; some very explosive, and dangerous—bursting to descend from out of the air—like rambling arrows weaponized by the deceptive trickeries of our enemies, (with a sole purpose of stealing, killing, and destroying our identity)

There are way too many voices to recount from out of everywhere just as there are a lot of sizes of mirrors, seeking to confuse our sense of identity. There are small ones, like our cellphones—a mirror window to the world, (The initial connecting word (cell) sounds a lot like sell as if we are willing to sell the logistic prudence of our self—imposed freedom or to be conformed into a more personalized kind of a prison cell, the phone is the voice unit that can capture all of those voices) and there are big ones too, (some has been openly on display right on top of our heads—we call them; commercialized billboards, that are shaped to look like a wider shaping of mirrors, asking, or telling us to buy into a more collective worldly view) —quote/end quote: this is what beautiful is, this is what you should eat, or wear, or looked to be, and this is what, and who, you should become to be more acceptable, or else accepted—to correspond to the downloadable condition of the matrix. Even our school system is an indirect form of mirrors, concentrated on the integrational decorum of our minds. Not to mention all the many thousands of magazines and different categories of every book we can reflect from, they too are like mirrors—shaped like two open hands, designed to pull us in them. Then comes the moving pictures—mirrors, we call our “tell—a—visions,” and theaters for bigger effect, and expanded to what now becomes the worldwide internet—that’s a lot of voices to consider, or not. —each of which aims to compete to hit but just one specific target, to tell us, who is good enough and who is beautiful enough, and as to who among us does not fit the bill, and the bill flows to only one form of currency—everything must then come at a price. In an open market, everyone can buy everything that any single one of us could want to buy, that is, if what each of us wants is even available for the taking, not to mention, if we have the means, or even the right currency to barter with—after considering how the wages of our sin is death; we are already restricted by our own debts, or death, and taxes.

Can enough truly be enough? The answer to that question then becomes too much of a relative thing to measure, and yet here is another question to ponder here, at the same time—how can any of us measure something through which, we never even had the right capacity to measure, just as we can never perceive the true image of God, as to get a true reflective measurement of who He truly embodies in us—that is—if we do not know who or how God looks like in the flesh? The eye of our flesh begets only the fleshly sphere, (as from within a circular boundary) while the spirit begets the spiritual elements of us, and the Holy Spirit is the only one who can make the two worlds collides inside the same plane—and I have come to believe that plane is our newly reborn heart, as to be our new windowpane to see ourselves through, or a looking glass can be a much clearer term to spiritualize an entirely different form of a mirror.

I have summarized what might enough be, as one might also consider as can be enough, by looking at a simple equation of “Who” = “How.” I, myself started by looking at the “Who,” as in trying to find out who this man I see staring back at me, (I know you are tempted but I need you to focus, and not to continue singing—nope—don’t do it, okay fine just get it over with…) and as for the “How,” that, becomes what I can use as my mirror-verse, (As in, the very manifestation of the Bible—becoming flesh—and then back to Spirit again—as my one, new, true mirror inside each verse of a feather, flocking together, teaching me how to fly) to see who I can see in me— Now allow me to metaphorically scrutinize both words, as in the manner of how both were made up of the same amount of letters, almost identical, but only out of order—“who”—to “how”—to “owh!” For something extra surprising, —reflecting all that to: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, (out of order) and void; the darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”, and we all know what happened next after that, light instantly came, and from within that light, life came to fruition. I then looked at that same verses through the eyes of John and saw God as the Word, and the Word became flesh, and while in the flesh, He said, “as He is, so are we in this world”— I have found that to be the “Who” and as for the ”How”— That is also Him as well, just as He also said at another time, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”

Here is where we also need to be careful, as well, as not to become overly pleased with our own actions, because it is also not enough just to know, not even to believe—that Jesus was the Word, who once became flesh, and dwelt amongst us—to fulfill the divine covenant of saving us from the wages of our sin. We must also keep in mind what the Bible also said—that even our enemy believed, and knew who Jesus was, and trembled at the very premise of what Jesus came to provide for us. The difference becomes up to us to know how all of that has already come to pass. We do not need Jesus to save us today, because He has already done all that in our yesteryears. Because of sin, we have been looking at ourselves through a distorted mirror.

Jesus already saved us, and that is the main point of the revelation of God’s grace. Jesus has already overcome—the cross—our sin—the enemy—the fallen world—even death has been crashed under His feet and has practically been taken out of the whole equation—all together—by Him stretching His arms, providing us with the bridge we needed to cross over to the other side—to everlasting life through Him. Standing at the very crossroad of our lives, we must take great comfort in knowing, “The Father,” “The Son,” and “The Holy Spirit”, as our “Lord and One True God” came towards us with His open arms, inviting us to “Come & See,” where He is now living in us. Jesus said to a thirsty believer, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you.” Our Father God sent us Jesus, and Jesus came to prepare us, for the Holy Ghost to dwell in us, and for us to become the church to be the future bridge for others. “As He is, so are we in this world” to me it means, He came to provide us with His Light, so that we can also light the way for others to see Him in us. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me”

So, who am I? Allow me to introduce myself first as to who I was, or as to which mirror, I was standing in front of. I was once a sinner—like an empty glass living a life with a great big hole in my heart. I got to say, I have always felt a great love for life, but somehow, I could never get a good grip of keeping all those wonderful things that I knew I already loved—in, because you know—because I have been nailed into that same hole of a void in me, and everything else simply just falls away or falls apart unto a thousand little pieces where each piece, can effectively break just about anyone else’s heart. I could never ignore that. And even when I thirsted for something else—something bigger, I could only taste the empty bottom where the hole lies, and little by little, the bitter taste of that hole, slowly became a little sweeter, comparable to a fish taking the bait, I was hooked to live inside a hole new world, and there was absolutely nothing about it that was new, of course, aside from the hole getting bigger, and bigger. As I have said, I saw myself as an empty glass which was also very reflective, like a mirror with a keyhole, and all I needed was to get my hand at the right key, for me to see through it as well. I wondered about different land and asked myself if I was a rabbit, I could dig into that hole to see how far or deep that rabbit hole goes. Hmm! Eventually, I declared to myself, “I didn’t see that coming,” and that was when something inside me suddenly woke me up, in the same the first man Adam woke up from his deep sleep, at one time or another. As it turned out, the rabbit hole led me back to where he was.

I became curious, and curiouser, asking a more serious question; Wilbert, who do you see every time you look at yourself in the looking glass? Do you see yourself, can you really, while throughout the years, I have been answering my own question with the same question, needing to dig up a deeper answer, knowing all too well, I could only answer that with a question mark, shaped like a spoon? That experience told me how hungry I was, and so I kept on going. What about whenever you look at a picture of yourself, who were you expecting to see when taking a selfie? Were you expecting to validate the same question or an entirely different answer to your question? Or every time you fall asleep, were you thinking about how your soul was about to leisurely wander around one of those immensurable voyages that can only be sewn from within certain dreams, even when you already know, those being your dreams and all, and already acknowledged that you were, in fact, the one who has been dreaming all that, the question then becomes, have you ever seen yourself, outside having just the feeling of it? Can you hold your own image to coexist with the reality of that same dream of yours, in the same way, you can embrace the people you love, outside them. I could hear my mind as being the one answering it—sarcastically, in the same way as how I can wrap my hands around a gift that someone else once has given me. I know, for sure, that—that gift is all mine to embrace, the only uncertainly I am left with, would be about the redeeming factor of what it was that I already have, inside it—that would require a much wider sense of awakening.

Again, I would have to go back to the same analogy, of how that would be the same as pouring water into an empty glass, others may very well still see right through me, for they might also still see nothing has ever changed in me, because of the transparency element to it, or better yet, the lack of insight onto seeing me from within it. It becomes up to the empty glass, to open himself up, in the similar manner of opening a gift—the absolute precedence must be met, first—for the light to come—it would be up to us to choose, and welcome, and say, and embrace, — “Let there be light.” Others will be needing the manifestation of that light to see the new reborn me—and to see how I am no longer accompanied by a hole at the bottom, but with an open mouth overflowing to express the same gift to then flow out of my heart, and onto everyone else’s cup of “T”.

The journey became afoot, for my mouth to step onto the crossroad. I am no Sherlock Holmes, but I do, now have in my possession the key to unlock a very foundational door, where my possibly—newly born home can be built upon a tiny grain of seed, and sometimes from within seeing that seed in my hand, and actually sowing it in me, I just simply notice one day that I am using that same key as my magnifying glass, to see what my eyes could not. So, whenever I see myself as an empty glass—I have concluded that who I have been truly seeing in me was the reflection of Adam living inside my own mirror because the very idea of how I became a sinner started from the first sowing of his sin in me. I am in no way putting all the blame on him; for that too was a collaboration, (I could never resist the temptation part—myself) but I am only stressing the fact—that Adam was the first man, whom God created in the garden of all creation, as to be the representation of all humanity. When he fell, his disobedience predestined all of us to fall short of the glory of God.

He wasn’t the only one to blame; as he fell because of sin, his fall set the stage for the domino effect. Noah was lifted up but then also fell, the same goes with Moses, even King David who has been known to be the chosen one, who found favor in God’s very own heart, but he too also fell, and so did a squillion other, and so on, and on—but then at the lineage of all those falls, (The collective where it comes to sin, became way too heavy, and way so many, they were literally looked a lot like waterfall, where every single drop falling on someone else’s shoulder) all came tumbling down to the One standing at the end of the line.

I would like to recall for you a passage in the New Testament, where a group of Pharisees dared to test Jesus, with regards to his knowledge of the great sacred law—in John 8:7, Jesus reached down onto the ground twice and drew some sort of a line onto both of them—two lines; one before He ever answered the Pharisee’s question, and another, right after the fact, as if He was saying to them, “If you are questioning Me if whether I know the Law, I am here to tell you, I was the One who wrote the completeness of it” And I would like to also reflect that to another mirror—verse, when He declared, “When Abraham was, I AM”

Jesus’s life, as well as His death, and His rising from the deep ocean of all our sins, became the baptism of our salvation. His atonement was the very fulfillment of the Law, which was the so—said—wage of our sin, which none of us can pay, and He paid it all—in full. But that was not all—He also made the written Law of Moses obsolete; by writing a new one inside each of the hearts of every believer. Jesus said this to those who were seeking to follow Him, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7 Remember when I said, every time I think of a line, I always saw two of them; one, I named as the Human—race? It was not just a race of one lifetime, but it was a generational marathon, with Jesus going all in at the very end of the line, winning that race for us, to then passing the baton on the Holy Ghost to dwell in us, just as every winner of every race gets to wear the gold next to their heart. To walk that same race through faith becomes our new identity.

In faith, and through faith, we are no longer walking alone, we are walking with God, Himself, (What I truly mean to say is, we were never alone with or even without faith, it is just that with faith, we can actually—finally see “it” to be true) because if we truly now have faith in our hearts, that can only mean one thing—the Holy Spirit now also dwells in us, and that means, Jesus will always be the One doing all the work of manifesting the light, we need to see where “The Way” leading us in each of our crossroads, where every verse of the Bible points onto Him. God the Father once sowed the first seed saying, “Let there be light” and it was Jesus who came and manifested that light inside our feet—to sow it in faith. It has now become our responsibility to turn that same light, for the rest of the world to see.

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) Now, I would like to ask you to keep that thought fresh in your mind, and then I would like for you to take a few deep breaths; breathe it in, and breathe it out—breathe in, breathe out—breathe in, breathe out, and now listen, “Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17) Think of that thought, as not a question of finding your grasp on faith, but taking a good grip at the answer as is of faith reworded through the grace of God. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8—9) God is the one who provides. In the book of Genesis when God created the heavens and the earth, and every other thing that exists in the world, and right after the day God created us, the Bible said, God, rested. What does that tell you—rest on that thought for a little while. At the cross in Calvary, after everything Jesus went through, after all the beating, tormenting, and scourging, what did Jesus do after He conceded that His work was finished—He rested all that on His love for us? Now, to go back to the initial question, what does that tell you—at the same time ask yourself again, can you see yourself for who you truly are?

Life as it seems—truly is full of mysteries, not because that is true, but only because we got used to looking at the truth from a distorted point of view. We simply have been looking in the wrong mirror. Our mind has been clouded by our sin—how can any of us then see past the storm of our eyes? Only when that cloud dies down when we will be able to get a clearer view of the son, rising over the horizon. We must rise above the ashes of our old selves and embrace the emergence of the new creation that is now in us.

What I am saying is, to any of us who is struggling to believe if we have faith, (I mean to truly believe that we do have it) All you need is to believe that you already do have it because you indeed already do—got it, you only need is to get it, got it? Say yes, yeah—yes? That is a yes, right? Is that yes, that I see, staring back at me? Alright then you already got it, period, and you simply only need to rest all that on Jesus. “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17)

Reminder: Please be advised that I believe our source's guide will always only be Our Father-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible alone. Whatever I may have said here must be placed under a personal investigation through your own private conversation with God (The Bible). I am still a seed, a student who is trying to study and learn from the “Word,” the best I can, and I am only sharing what I have uncovered to find so far. The journey is a continuous conversation inside a personal relationship, and my objective is not to change your thinking in any matter, shape, or form, but only to maybe inspire you to rethink things. Traveling on the road of “Free—Will” the choice for that crossroad therein will always be yours to choose alone, with one exception, of course, you will never be alone. (FAITH: F—ind A—n In—road T—hrough H—im)

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