What is the most rudimentary function of a bookmark? Why do we use it, where do we need it, or when, and most importantly at what end? I, can perhaps, direct your attention at the most obvious of reason. I mean—I figured, when I think about reading a book—any book, (Which is pretty much a blatant—phenomena in my case—so, as for me, every seconds count, and using a bookmark has become a very significant tool) Now, having had the chance to have made one for myself, to then used it—it has given me a more personal experience to embrace—as if landmarking the progress of every little step I got to make, where each page can literally become quite a formidable—mountain to climb, and oddly enough, I surprised myself to uncover how I was more than willing to face them, head—on, (Like I said, books used to scare me a little, and to say that out loud, from a closed—minded—heart, a little can be just as vast as an entire universe—unfathomable—and so, I had to first learn how I can open it, and I am not just denoting my heart here, but also the actual book in itself—for it is all about the relationship inside that conversation.
So, there you have it, I have always used to be a chicken where it comes to crossing that road, not necessarily for the lack of courage, but more because I have also always felt a great need to see the greater purpose as to what has been hidden behind the veil, first. So, imagine my surprise when “purpose” comes knocking, and becomes that shining light in lighting my unforeseeable path, I had no other choice but to follow it through) because that is the only way to reach the “ultimate” goal: Points to me digging for those treasures. Isn’t that the reason why we read books—we imagine there are treasures in them, and each of those treasures often seemed to have its own permissible voice, personally calling at us, even from the very depth within us, for us to meet and find the adventure that our lives have been almost urgently missing—every time.
In making any story come to life in a more intimate approach, I can only imagine the correlation, if I were to put myself inside every word, to be a part of that world, and to make that journey as a personal relationship for me to treasure. Am I going to look for treasures like a pirate does, who will hide whatever I find from everyone else, or to become my own version of “Indiana Jones” seeking to uncover what belongs to everyone, like a crusader looking for the Holy—Grail? I confess, I was once more like a pirate, for I was born as a sinner, but I have also considered myself reaching to be more like Indiana, growing up as a dreamer, but neither of which does not really matter much to a point—without a map. It has never been about who we were, or what we have done so far, or even as to what our dreams can do for us, but about uncovering the one—absolute—truth, and about waking up, and to be freed to see ourselves as also being the very treasure we seek. Here is where I figured I needed a bookmark in my own life, as if putting an “X” marking the last place I deem critical, as well as having a significant benefit to further my own future endeavor, as if saying to myself “This is where I am, now, but what does that mean, exactly in spiritual terms?”
Spiritually—I have come to believe, I have always also known it, hoping, as to what I am truly curious about will ultimately lead me to the next most pivotal question of all—who, (asking myself, “Is this who I am?”—Case in point, we become what we read.
Now allow me again to point your attention to the reason, but this time outside the most obvious one.
Romans 10:17 has provided me with a foundational road to further instigate my investigation, inspiring a voice in me, telling myself how, “Faith comes by hearing”, and the next thought that came barging in afterward was a much louder voice, a distinctive one, and yet altogether all so very original, and out—worldly, but even still, I also knew in my own heart they were all mine just the same, as I continued on reading what followed next, “hearing the Word of God”, and here is a big “but” to consider—but what is the Word of God?
Here is where the “X” marked the spot, but the “X” looked more like the letter “T” to me, and I witnessed seeing this “T” standing @The Crossroad. Now, what is “The Crossroad”? The meaning is all relative to each individual, for it can be anything or everything for anyone in everyone, but as for me, I found it to be the book of the Bible, and so, I opened it, and started reading from the very beginning, (Which I may have also done so many other times before that, but based on those past experiences, none of those times got me anywhere as to where I needed to be. It was why I went to pursue such same endeavor from a whole newer perspective, by reading the book of Genesis through the vantage point of the book of John. For me to be able to do that, I had to use a bookmark. (Okay well, duh! That’s what we basically use a bookmark for—what makes that outside the obvious? When I got to the point to reading where God said, “Let there be light”—A revelation dawn on me, as if a light put most of my attention on my mouth, and that light burned in an entirely newer light source inside my heart—it was quite revolutionary.
“In the beginning” John said, “Was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” John then elaborated further how “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us”
I would like to digress here for a moment—if I could, because, here is where I wished I could say, with an outmost confidence—I have understood the very revelation of how that past literally became the present, (as in the present which then what became the very gift of the gospel of God’s grace) at the very instant that journey came to light—for that could have been a far more compelling story to tell, but then again to tell it in that way, I would only be putting a great disservice to the bookmark of my own personal book. The truth was, it took me a very long time after that revelation for me to see Jesus as “The Word” which John was so adamantly referring, in the book of Genesis.
Let us now then put our attention back at the very beginning, and “be still, and know” who is—@The Crossroad—standing and walking within, and among us. And just as I mentioned before, of how I have come to believe “The Crossroad” as being the direct representation of God’s Holy Scriptures, or as we otherwise known it to be the Holy Book—written to be as what the Bible is today—living among us still—as in “The Word of God,” in us. And then after also considering what the book of John has said quite intimately, of how the Word of God was, in fact, who Jesus was in the flesh, (all God in the fullness of His Spiritual attributes, and yet also all man with every physical tangibilities—Heaven has factually come down to Earth—Love illustrating to reestablish what love truly has always been—to where “Home” becomes where the heart is—Genesis 1:26) Now I hope you too can also see the metaphor that I am seeing here— (the Bible = Jesus)— (reading the Bible = as the same as walking with Jesus and to literally enjoying the chance of talking with Him, building a more intimate kind of a relationship)— (the bookmark = becomes our constant reminder with regards to the knowledge of the truth—The Holy Spirit is now dwelling in us)—For we indeed will eventually become the ambassador of what we read, or should I say, who we are fellowshipping with. (“IAM” who “IAM” God said)— (“As He is, so are we in this world”)— (I and My Father are One”), if you can see the connection—bookmark it in your heart, (Sin took away that connection, now Love came and invited us to cross over the other side of the line.) Life is the journey of our relationship with the Word to be manifested into the light, to light our way to everlasting.