The main objective of our bookmarks—will be speaking shamelessly about the very heart of companionship, and about building a special kind of a relationship with our personal savior, and about reminding those of us, who chooses to obediently seek out the truth—of how faith was never meant to be walked alone. For the true walk of faith is of a collaboration kind of an endeavor, which must first be sown, and grown from the heart, like a seed that someone else has already measured to the “T”. For faith, After all comes, “by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17
These bookmark and its companions are not meant to teach anyone, the Word, or the sacred message of the scriptures, but only to serve as a friendly companion in making every individual’s journey, a more personal one.
A bookmark is just a tool, every reader of any book, can use to keep track of their own personal growth, and progressive development—allowing them to see the bigger picture—the substance of things unseen.
As I have said, Bible studying or reading God's Word is a lot like sowing a seed, which in this case will be the right seed—into the garden of our own heart, just as the unwritten rule has always suggested--the heart has always meant to hold just one thing—Love, and Love is the Holy Spirit of God. (1 John 4:16 said, "God is Love") It has always been about how the Love of God gets to mature, and grow in us, as to fulfill the inevitable—to produce in us, the fruit of His Spirit—other’s may freely eat—as to remove whatever present—tense, God will cast away through His presence. ("For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them" Matthew 18:20)