The Suit Jesus Measured to Fit Me

The Suit Jesus Measured to Fit Me


It is all so easy to judge any book by its cover. It would be the same as how we get to judge one another based only on the clothes which we get to represent in us. Nevertheless, we all also know deep inside, our cover is but a tiny part of our human nature; a much significant amount of us can also rise above our ignorance of the truth. The Bible said only the truth can set us free. And the truth is, we tend to get so afraid of the things we do not always understand, most often than not, we get caught up focus on the mysteries of the unseen things of the world but guess what? I heard a voice that said to me, “Let there be light,” and as I opened my heart, the light casted out my fears away.

If you are going to judge me, I am asking you to judge me based on that same light that shines in shadow. I must say, I used to see myself as an empty glass. I am not empty anymore. Somewhere inside me is overflowing with a substance, spiritually full of hope, I have no other choice but to share them with you. Here is the catch, you got to have faith to see Him, for you to do that. And so, I am inviting you to have a conversation with me inside this book. I may be the author of this book, but there is someone else who dwells inside which I would like you to meet. All the messages inside this book are His, and He asked me to deliver them specially to you. And so, if you are going to judge me, judge me by the suit He measured to fit me, and He has done so at so great of a cost, none of us can truly measure. That does not mean we cannot try to stretch out our hands to meet His, for as far as I know, that is the road He paved for us to travel. I call this book a love story because as 1 John 4:16 clearly puts it, “God is love,” and Jesus is “The Word” manifesting His very likeness of His essence onto a human form, and one day He stretched out His arms to measure “The Way” for us to follow. I am asking you to open this book to embrace Him in the crossroad of our lives.

In the same way, we must open our hearts for “Love” to come, to dwell within it. “I AM” Wilbert Dela Cruz, asking you to “Come and see!” For Jesus once said, “As He is,so are we in this world” 1 John.“I AM” Wilbert Dela Cruz, the author of the new book: The Suit Jesus Measured to Fit Me. This book will be my 7th, but unlike the others, I have never directly asked anyone to buy any of them, not really. I never felt comfortable doing so because my priority has never been about making a profit. I mean, of course, I welcome any if not every blessing that may come along the way and I mean that with all my heart. For I am a dreamer just the same, and I do also dream about them. However, I want to stress how my main objective has always been to write something which may profit my readers just as much as how the height of that dream quenches the heart's more profound yearning. I believe I am not alone in thinking; we all have a void inside us, seeking to be kindled or re-ignited by a particular light. That is the poetry of what life necessitates, as to where our hearts gravitate to breathe the very breath that is the divine fountain of life. I dare say; I found such a journey coming to fruition inside a conversation, which I have fortunately uncovered from within writing this book. I am the one who wrote it, but all the messages that I have gathered inside are not altogether just mine. I am just a messenger, and this book is not a road one would likely choose to cross alone. As it turned out, the journey is all about faith, and what I have found about faith is; faith never walks alone because faith moves through the love of God. All the while, the promise of God’s unconditional love will always overflow inside that same journey in all of us. When a seed has been sowed, has grown, and then blossomed onto a great big tree with plenty of fruits, that becomes our responsibility as the seed to become a new Sower of it, to share them simply because love will always seek to flow on a two-way thoroughfare. At the same time, our hearts will ultimately interweave in the middle of the crossroad. It was never a question for me; I had to write this book. The truth was, I found God. I met Him inside the Bible as the Word, and since He is also who “Love” is, as well as the very “Bread of Life,” you too must read His Word for you to see Him, or as food, His Word must be consumed for your faith to mature inside a more personal relationship. That is “The Way,” and the only road, the Holy Spirit can dwell in you, and for you, to wear His suit.

When it comes to my book's title, that too is a seed; one must openly read to find out what can be uncovered from inside it. However, I would like to give you a head start at digging the surface of it. Think about Jesus at the cross with His arms stretched out. That was how I have come to believe He measured the suit I was referring to, which He fit not just me but everyone's shoulder. That was where He paid the full wage of our sin and yet more. He nailed them at a dead tree where it belongs so that we can be born again through His righteousness. The suit Jesus measured to fit me is what I have considered being the righteousness of God through Him. It is the same as how I can introduce myself as a Christian, wearing the name of Christ as a badge to put next to where my heart is, because as 1 John 4:16 said, “God is Love,” and in my heart is where love lives in me, and that makes me an inborn ambassador of Him, and I strongly do believe, so are you.

It seemed as if we live in the day and age where the chaos of the fallen world has now come tumbling down right in front of all of us. There is no better time than now for us to be united and come together and share the same road, for it does also seem as if we could all be on the same boat, except not all of us are heading in the same direction. I, for one, do not want to walk alone, not because of fear, but because of the perfect love that can provide us with everything we need. What good is love if not shared? Life becomes paradoxically empty. How can life be good enough if there is no ounce of truth in it? The fact remains, and forever will be, about the truth that can set us free from all the lies of the fallen world and from the enemy hiding within the midst. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

A great question to ask now is, where are you in retrospect as to where do you want to be? Time is precious and ever so fleeting as fast as it comes, yet it does not have to be. A promise of everlasting life is just around the corner, and all you need is to take a great leap of faith to cross over to the other side. Jesus is coming a second time like a train, whispering from a still small voice, inviting you to come and see. He has got your ticket covered, it comes with a suit, and all you need is to wear that suit for you to sit next to Him at the right hand of God.

In John 1:38—39,Two of Jesus’s disciples, before they became part of the twelve, followed Jesus one day, and Jesus saw them following, saying to them, “What do you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “Where are you staying?” He said to them. “Come and see” In John 1:45—46, Philip, another disciple of Jesus, said to another; Nathanael, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” In Revelation 6:1—7, When the Lamb opened the 1st, and the 2nd, and the 3rd, and 4th seal, John wrote, “And I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.”

“Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth I Sing out the honor of His name; make His praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are Your works through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. All the earth shall worship You and sing praises to You; They shall sing praises to Your name.” Selah. Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing towards the sons of men.” Psalm 66:1—5 And so, here I am standing before you, opening the cover of my book, welcoming you to come and see what God has sent, for me to deliver over to you.

has very little to do with me, but the great framing of its scale intensifies from the “One” who can make the littlest of things become something entirely new. I am asking you to sow a seed with me. The worst-case scenario could be, my book may also have nothing to add to your own journey, but at least I can promise you a friend in me (through Jesus), and if you can add a little bit of faith inside that conversation, it can surprise anyone willing to take a chance. The choice is yours, of course! It always has been.

Jesus lives in all of us


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